EB Mafia

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I think it's time to call this one and start looking at tournament rules/practice round for RBHedge or whomever our rep is.

But if we're still playing:

View attachment 17415
I'll leave that decision up to the people still playing. if people want to end early that's up to yall.

So you're up to date...

vote update

3x @txjennah PE (JayKay, Duran, Salty)

“Not again!” screamed Bly

“Investigation wrapped up.

I know the killer.”

“All, off to the home

of Jennah. Evidence shows

that she’s mafia.”

“You stay here JayKay.

You can do no harm due to

oath hippocratic.”

Townies grabbed weapons

and through the dark streets hurried

to their next victim.

As they neared they saw

a bright light. Speculation

it may be fire.

They arrived and found

Jennah still holding the gun.

She appeared frozen.


she begin ascending to 

the light in the sky

Alien abduction!!!!!!

Town wins! @blybrook PE was the cop. @JayKay PE was the doctor. @RBHeadge PE @squaretaper LIT AF PE @txjennah PE were the mafia.
Good game everyone.
But I don't think this show will get renewed for a 2nd season. It jumped the shark some time ago. LOL

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It would be fun playing by the tourney rules (Jack of all trades character sounds interesting).  Rules will need to be explained of course.  Like, what does it mean when "mafia faction kills are 'assigned'?"  Also, no communication outside thread besides mafia, which means no "confirmed townie" PM threads.  I say we try it starting next round.
I need to really read up on the rules and try to master the subtleties. I haven't even started yet. I'm going to request the latest qual they have. Work has been pretty demanding the last few weeks. I got a "promotion" earlier today and bunch of stuff added to my plate. I doubt I'll be able to play the next couple weeks.  S%^t I barely playing this round. 

But I would be interested to read and hear other observation from playing the tournament rules for a round.
