EB Mafia

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Lol, jk, I'm drinking and being distracted by pokemon talk.

Posting this in case I probably forget to post story tonight; becuase I'm licking and living:

@MadamPirate PE was lynched by the others because they had a three-syllable name; they were the doctor.

When @jean15paul_PE began to cough, nobody thought anything of it.  They were traveling through the gardening supplies section and were getting ready to abandon the shopping cart that was filled with plants, preparing to stick with only the essentials: copious amounts of toilet paper and uncooked chicken breasts.  So when @jean coughed, they just assumed it was dust being stirred up from other people in the store frantically grabbing potting soil.

The cough continued as they moved deeper and deeper into the store, looking for the last of the items on the pre-pandemic list, absentmindedly muffling the hollow sound with recently acquired surgical masks and random bedding section items.  The cough was fairly innocuous.  It didn’t sound like the much dreaded bud-cough that people who knew others with budvid-19 through six degrees of separation had described multiple times, but it was edging more towards a cousins’ acquaintance than a passing stranger.

As they passed the sporting goods aisle, where @SaltySteve was eyeing the baseball bats, the cough began to sound more frothy…almost like a beer.

“Are you okay?” Asked @MadamPirate PE, stepping closer to @jean15paul_PE hen the others walked a little further down the aisle, “That cough doesn’t sound…great.”  They finished lamely when the other turned to them, eyes bloodshot and watery and hands curled into the semblance of claws. 

“Are you…running a fever?”  They nervously asked when @jean15paul_PE took a single stumbling step, searching over their shoulder for backup and finding none.  Backed-up against the shake-bottles and barbells, and unconsciously tensing at the stumbling figure that kept approaching closer, @MadamPirate PE began to slip into full-blown screening mode.

“Do you have diarrhea?  Persistent cough, have you been in contact with someone-“ A strong swallow against the lob of saliva lodged in their trachea, “Someone with budvid?” They whispered, eyes closing and flinching when @jean15paul_PE took a ragged cough right into their face. 

A moment later, with the globules of spittle still sliding down their cheek and absorbing into the paper mask, they heard the crack of an object hitting something and the looming presence of @jean15paul_PE disappeared abruptly.  Opening their eyes, they began to smile when they saw everyone else had come to their rescue.  When no one returned the smile, they realized what was going to happen.  The medical community was usually the first sacrifice before things got really worse.

“It’s for the best.”  @LyceeFruit PE said softly, raising up the crowbar that had probably been obtained from the nearby car repair aisle.  The metal gleamed with a mixture of ‘brand-new paint’ and unidentifiable human fluids.  None of the others argued against what was going to happen.

@MadamPirate PE nodded. 

It was easier that way.


@MadamPirate PE was lynched by the others and was the doctor.

@jean15paul_PE was infected by the Wal-Mart mafia.

The remaining players are:

@ChebyshevII PE@vhab49_PE@LyceeFruit PE, @SaltySteveand @Roarbark
