EB Mafia

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I'm going to the Red Cross after lunch to donate blood.  Since I helped kill the town doc recently, I better make sure there's no one around named Lycee.  Maybe I should use an alias.
I give every eight weeks. My next appointment is on Friday assuming we aren't ordered to shelter in place by then.

Its also a free way to get tested for COVID19
I know this was a joke but they aren't testing donors or their blood for covid-19. They're just asking if you've been to certain areas where it's prevalent or been in contact with those who have or been diagnosed.

I'm going to the Red Cross after lunch to donate blood.  Since I helped kill the town doc recently, I better make sure there's no one around named Lycee.  Maybe I should use an alias.
Well done! I donated last week with Bloodsource Vitalant (this is a clumsy name). Went for the volunteerism, stayed for the Cheetos. 🧀

I considered donating blood. But I'm hit or miss on being able to (iron levels).

And it fails at social distancing.

I'm torn.

I will play on the condition that the individual I messaged last time about game play acknowledges they ignored me.

Anyone heard from @jean15paul_PE?  He was pretty active until the weekend and failed to even vote yesterday.  Hope he's ok.
No, i sent a message his way before I died last round, which didn't get read. EB profile says last visited 4 hrs ago though. @jean15paul_PE, we're stalking because we care.
*presses play on "Every Breath You Take"* 

Oh, also @LyceeFruit PE I'm in.

I now have Stay and Home/WFH orders straight from the Mayor. Although infrastructure construction work is an "essential activity".  

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