EB Mafia

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No! Not this time.

I've never understood this? How are you gleaning any insight as to if someone is mafia by asking point blank like this ^^
It's just what I do. It's what I've always done since day one. Why are you questioning me questioning you? Suspicious! 

Yay, we got a game going!

I'm not sick. My work responsibilities have shifted from [Stuff I won't discuss here] to preparation and response to Covid-19.
Hm, so we know you're doing nuclear stuff, @RBHeadge PE! More and more I'm thinking it's not a power plant. Nuclear sub? nuclear weapons? None of that would require a Covid-19 response. Maybe it is a power plant. But a classified one? Maybe you're a spy. SUSPICIOUS

Not this time. Are you mafia @tj_PE?

TJ: "Are you Mafia?" 
B: "See it all started back when i was born in the swamps of Louisiana..."
Is someone else here from Louisiana?

Yay, we got a game going!

Hm, so we know you're doing nuclear stuff, @RBHeadge PE! More and more I'm thinking it's not a power plant. Nuclear sub? nuclear weapons? None of that would require a Covid-19 response. Maybe it is a power plant. But a classified one? Maybe you're a spy. SUSPICIOUS

Not this time. Are you mafia @tj_PE?

Is someone else here from Louisiana?
I am still not mafia! 

Hm, so we know you're doing nuclear stuff, @RBHeadge PE! More and more I'm thinking it's not a power plant. Nuclear sub? nuclear weapons? None of that would require a Covid-19 response. Maybe it is a power plant. But a classified one? Maybe you're a spy. SUSPICIOUS
Everyone, irrespective of application, is going to have to plan for Covid-19 or the various societal and supply chain impacts: workforce planning, security, COOP,  supply chain management, information sharing, logistics, transportation, etc. 

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it before, but I don't have anything to do with commercial power. A pretty large chunk of us Nukees don't. I've never even been to a commercial nuclear power plant. It made studying for the Nuclear PE a real bitch.
