EB Mafia

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Leave it to a west-sider to tell an east-sider that they’re voting wrong... ;)
except it's not a matter of opinion if you're not mafia, because you're voting out a townie

i've got deadlines so do what you gotta do. i'll circle back later to see if you've come to your senses

It would be a shame if someone created a burner account and used RBHeadge PE as their username.

And a third post for good measure!

Edit: Top :bananalama:

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What sort of evidence do you have to back up your statements?
not sure why you're ganging up on me but I have no evidence except my word. I never got a PM and I think I initiated the vote for jaykay? 

cop please investigate me so these people will stop randomly accusing me with no EVIDENCE that i am not a townie thx
