EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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My early exit from this game aligns well with my desire to play this game. Couple that with the fact it will be days before anyone knows whether I was mafia and who killed me, and you get one very happy camper here.

My early exit from this game aligns well with my desire to play this game. Couple that with the fact it will be days before anyone knows whether I was mafia and who killed me, and you get one very happy camper here.
Or you could just tell us and get this damn thing over with.  The quicker you do that, the quicker you can play again!

I'm still employed :)

I'm about to go to my end-of-year performance review. Wish me luck.

I hope the amount of time I've spent playing mafia doesn't come up. LOL
(edit: joking of course. I am careful to work and record my time correctly)
I'm glad I don't have to fill out a time sheet.
