EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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I have both the Mechanics of Materials and Mechanical Engineering Design books you have.

Oh and the Spaten 🙂
My ME Design book is 5th edition. My Heat Transfer text also has a floppy I have since copied to CD.

If anyone can name the text with the green spine to the right of the Fundamentals of Engineering text, I will give them a dollar. To be clear: it has a name, you need to guess it.

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My ME Design book is 5th edition. My Heat Transfer text also has a floppy I have since copied to CD.

If anyone can name the text with the green spine to the right of the Fundamentals of Engineering text, I will give them a dollar. To be clear: it has a name, you need to guess it.
Aargh that looks familiar too!  Dang I'm sure I have it lol.

My ME Design book is 5th edition. My Heat Transfer text also has a floppy I have since copied to CD.

If anyone can name the text with the green spine to the right of the Fundamentals of Engineering text, I will give them a dollar. To be clear: it has a name, you need to guess it.
Fundamentals of Machine Analysis and Design.

If it's "Vibrations", I'm going to kick myself.  I kicked a** in that course.

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She also gave me a hard time for making an outline for having the sex-talk with our son. #nerd

I'm really impressed that you did that (& that you have a plan for it) 
*me being awkward because I'm not good at accepting compliments* Thanks
I'm tempted to post the outline here for feedback. Or is that weird?
