EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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@jean15paul_PE had a long hard day at work. He was looking forward to going home, kicking up his feet and furiously complaining online about how the refs missed a PI call... AGAIN! But first he had to check his snail mail. He was surprised to find his mailbox overflowing - it was one flyer after another for exam study guides, online and in-person exam study courses. There wasn't a single letter for PDH courses or forms to join ASCE.

The remaining players are:

 @Roarbark @ChebyshevII PE  @chart94 @MEtoEE @Will.I.Am PE @txjennah PE @NikR_PE


he jokingly voted for me because i said to - idk that i would read into that? :dunno:  
