EB Mafia

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I notice that the mafia is a lot more invested in this result than the townies :) . I'm just here cause I'm still working, and it's still early in HI.

This townie just finished dinner and about to start watching a movie. The wood stove has a small fire going and the cat is perched on my lap. 

Will check back after the movie to see if results are in.

I struggled.  Sorry it's sub-par!


It finally came to a head.

“We know what you’ve been doing,” @MadamPirate said, body angled in front of @vhab49_PE as they cautiously faced the other two contestants, “and we’re going to stop you.”  

Darkly painted lips stretched into a lazy smirk as @txjennah PE leaned back companionably against @blybrook PE’s bulky shoulder, “You knew this was coming.  I’m just wondering why it took you so long and why you let so many die in your futile pursuit.” @txjennah PE’s eyes glinted darkly as they took in the other two, heavily hooded eyelids barely moving as they looked them over and found them wanting.

The space between the two groups seemed fathoms long, but was, in reality, maybe only 20-feet in length.  The polished ballroom surface seemed to highlight the lines drawn in the sand and the previously unknown alliance came to light.  

Popcorn crunched guiltily, filling the silence, and all present turned to glare momentarily at @Will.I.Am PE, who shrugged and kept eating.  They were fighting to have the chance to seduce him or something. He still wasn’t quite sure the purpose of this whole endeavor, and with 14 people dead, he felt like he should at least know that.

“Well, that-” @MadamPirate turned and then abruptly shoved @vhab49_PE to the side as @txjennah PE lunged at them both, eyes narrowed with something dark and unexplainable.  Their face burned in anger at the attack from behind: how could they? Then they remembered they were dealing with a murderer who obviously didn’t mind being a coward and killing people behind doors where they couldn’t defend themselves.

It was a flurry of fists, kicks, and even a bite or two as @MadamPirate parried and countered @txjennah PEs attack, an animalistic snarl working its way from their throat.  This would end today! They wouldn’t let anyone else die on their clock! They reared back and charged forward, knuckles hitting true at the soft neck throat muscles of @txjennah PE, sending the other scrambling back.

@MadamPirate struck again, bare fist glancing off the sharp jawbone of @txjennah PE, with the other arm following with a sucker punch hook to the liver that cracked at least one rib.  As @txjennah PE cradled one side of their body, @MadamPirate slammed their knee into their stomach, forcing their torso to collapse right into their arm. @MadamPirate then slammed them into the wall, arm now pressed firmly against their throat while the other began to bury punches into their stomach, again and again and again, ignoring the spittle spraying onto their face as they continued the deed.

Leaping back to avoid a wide haymaker, @MadamPirate turned, ready to join forces with @vhab49_PE only to almost lose their arm as @blybrook PE went charging past in a dizzying tornado of froth and bloody fur.

“Don’t worry about this!,” @vhab49_PE cried, legs clamped around the rampaging bear, attempting to slam their block heel into the animal’s skull as @blybrook PE, in turn, tried to throw them bodily against the wall.  At least one eye appeared to have been gouged out, due to the rivets of blood streaming down into the howling maw, and at least one of the bottom canines had been snapped out from @blybrook PE defending themselves.

Before @MadamPirate was able to respond they had to dodge the swipe from the hunter’s knife in @txjennah PE’s hand.  It seemed their opponent was more well-armed than they thought, They dodged a lunge that removed one of their dress’s sleeves.  It also appeared that @txjennah PE had gotten their second wind.

There was a moment of stillness, where a still smirking @txjennah PE had backed @MadamPirate into a different wall, point of the knife held almost at their throat, but-THEN-another burst of dodging and weaving, bobbing out of the way of the knife that became closer and closer until-alas!-it struck!

@MadamPirate stumbled back a few steps, hand going up to paw uselessly at the knife that was now embedded in their chest.  They stared at it in confusion, at the handle sticking out from a location where it didn’t belong.

“You thought you could beat us!  Beat me!” @txjennah PE wheezed out a dry chuckle, “You could never beat us!  You knew nothing! With you out of the way, I’ll be the winner! Me! And I’ll be on television and I’ll be the star!”  Their last few words cracked as they began to stalk forward slowly, one foot dragging, to finish the job.

They did not expect @MadamPirate to smile at them through bloody teeth, as if this was some type of joke.  Or for them to reach up and rip the rest of their damaged ball gown off, carelessly letting the fabric fall to the ground.  @txjennah PE most definitely did not expect to see the streamlined body armor that had prevented the knife from fully embedding itself.

The officer’s badge gleamed dully on @MadamPirate’s chest.

“We end this now,” They said, hand quickly going for their sidearm at @txjennah PE's scream of fury.  Without a pause, the clip was unloaded with exacting precision and prejudice, followed by reloading so they could be ready.  Because, even though they trusted @vhab49_PE to do their best, there was one simple fact about @blybrook PE: they were a bear.  

A bear was a class of its own and an injured bear was another, but an injured bear, blinded both physically and by love, that had been forced into multiple costume changes throughout this event, was a class of fight that nobody had ever historically been through without dying (it’s never been documented, which means it always ended in fatality).

It’s a simple fact that when a bear fights in the wild, instinct points them towards disabling the weapons of their enemy, which for a bear is their jaws and, to a lesser effect, their large claws.  A fighting bear will try to do everything in their power to target their enemy’s mouth. Unfortunately, this applies towards non-humans as well, meaning a bear will often rip the face off of lesser attackers.

It’s what self-preservation forces them to do.

So @MadamPirate knew @blybrook PE was going to attack before the bear’s brain cells made the decision, could hear the saliva bubbling in their maw as they situated their bulk before they charged like a locomotive being thrown off its tracks.

@MadamPirate quickly fired three shots, hitting deep in the meat of @blybrook PE’s bulk, before they dodged out of the way with a tuck-and-roll.  They stopped in a genuflect, preparing for the next round, hand slapping up to their forehead to smear away the blood that had been slowly dripping into one eye and clouding their vision.

@blybrook PE roared in annoyance when their attack did not reap any impact, vibrating the windows and mirrors present on-set and sending one of the makeup girls squealing and clamping their hands over their ears.  The momentary distraction, where @blybrook PE paused to swing their head in the direction in an attempt to determine if it was @MadamPirate, was enough for the police officer to fire of a few more shots at the opening.

@blybrook PE locked their knees, bracing against the onslaught and letting out a woof of frustration.  They mock charged in-place a few times, as if to ramp themselves up for their attack, before letting out a bark of rage.

This time, when they ran at @MadamPirate, they swung their head from side to side as an impromptu battering ram, mouth wide and ready to catch on anything.

They were lucky and locked onto @MadamPirate’s leg below the knee.  With a cringing snap, the bone was crunched between the jaws and the body thrown to the side.  Without pause, a huge paw with 3-inch claws came slamming down onto @MadamPirate face, to prevent them from mauling in retaliation.  @blybrook PE gave a guttural bark deep in their throat before they took out a chunk of the cop’s upper torso, tossing the mouthful to the side so that another could be scraped away from the shoulder cavity.

They huffed in place for a few minutes, shaking their head every few seconds to hear if there were any other survivors, before they lumbered to their feet.  Another huge shake of the head and rubbing with a paw revealed one eye still intact, though covered with matted, bloody, fur.

“So, I guess you won?”

@blybrook PE swung towards @Will.I.Am PE’s voice, lips pulled back in a snarl, before they snapped back into their television persona and gingerly picked their way over.

“Not that I don’t think you have a great personality,” @Will.I.Am PE said, “But I don’t think it’d work out.  I mean, you’re a bear. And I’m me.” An awkward pause. “And I have a wife.”

The bear grumbled, sitting back on its haunches.  There goes its spinoff series.

@blybrook PE is mafia.

The remaining player is: @blybrook PE


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Thanks again, guys!  This was lots of fun, but I think I have to take a break from modding for a while.  I am bushed and don't think I can write that well.  Def need to practice more!
Thanks for modding. You did a great job with the round. 

The redneck Mafia was integrated into the games mafia for a single round.

Great finishing story as well! Enjoy the time off and happy holidays everyone!

I struggled.  Sorry it's sub-par!


It finally came to a head.

“We know what you’ve been doing,” @MadamPirate said, body angled in front of @vhab49_PE as they cautiously faced the other two contestants, “and we’re going to stop you.”  

Darkly painted lips stretched into a lazy smirk as @txjennah PE leaned back companionably against @blybrook PE’s bulky shoulder, “You knew this was coming.  I’m just wondering why it took you so long and why you let so many die in your futile pursuit.” @txjennah PE’s eyes glinted darkly as they took in the other two, heavily hooded eyelids barely moving as they looked them over and found them wanting.

The space between the two groups seemed fathoms long, but was, in reality, maybe only 20-feet in length.  The polished ballroom surface seemed to highlight the lines drawn in the sand and the previously unknown alliance came to light.  

Popcorn crunched guiltily, filling the silence, and all present turned to glare momentarily at @Will.I.Am PE, who shrugged and kept eating.  They were fighting to have the chance to seduce him or something. He still wasn’t quite sure the purpose of this whole endeavor, and with 14 people dead, he felt like he should at least know that.

“Well, that-” @MadamPirate turned and then abruptly shoved @vhab49_PE to the side as @txjennah PE lunged at them both, eyes narrowed with something dark and unexplainable.  Their face burned in anger at the attack from behind: how could they? Then they remembered they were dealing with a murderer who obviously didn’t mind being a coward and killing people behind doors where they couldn’t defend themselves.

It was a flurry of fists, kicks, and even a bite or two as @MadamPirate parried and countered @txjennah PEs attack, an animalistic snarl working its way from their throat.  This would end today! They wouldn’t let anyone else die on their clock! They reared back and charged forward, knuckles hitting true at the soft neck throat muscles of @txjennah PE, sending the other scrambling back.

@MadamPirate struck again, bare fist glancing off the sharp jawbone of @txjennah PE, with the other arm following with a sucker punch hook to the liver that cracked at least one rib.  As @txjennah PE cradled one side of their body, @MadamPirate slammed their knee into their stomach, forcing their torso to collapse right into their arm. @MadamPirate then slammed them into the wall, arm now pressed firmly against their throat while the other began to bury punches into their stomach, again and again and again, ignoring the spittle spraying onto their face as they continued the deed.

Leaping back to avoid a wide haymaker, @MadamPirate turned, ready to join forces with @vhab49_PE only to almost lose their arm as @blybrook PE went charging past in a dizzying tornado of froth and bloody fur.

“Don’t worry about this!,” @vhab49_PE cried, legs clamped around the rampaging bear, attempting to slam their block heel into the animal’s skull as @blybrook PE, in turn, tried to throw them bodily against the wall.  At least one eye appeared to have been gouged out, due to the rivets of blood streaming down into the howling maw, and at least one of the bottom canines had been snapped out from @blybrook PE defending themselves.

Before @MadamPirate was able to respond they had to dodge the swipe from the hunter’s knife in @txjennah PE’s hand.  It seemed their opponent was more well-armed than they thought, They dodged a lunge that removed one of their dress’s sleeves.  It also appeared that @txjennah PE had gotten their second wind.

There was a moment of stillness, where a still smirking @txjennah PE had backed @MadamPirate into a different wall, point of the knife held almost at their throat, but-THEN-another burst of dodging and weaving, bobbing out of the way of the knife that became closer and closer until-alas!-it struck!

@MadamPirate stumbled back a few steps, hand going up to paw uselessly at the knife that was now embedded in their chest.  They stared at it in confusion, at the handle sticking out from a location where it didn’t belong.

“You thought you could beat us!  Beat me!” @txjennah PE wheezed out a dry chuckle, “You could never beat us!  You knew nothing! With you out of the way, I’ll be the winner! Me! And I’ll be on television and I’ll be the star!”  Their last few words cracked as they began to stalk forward slowly, one foot dragging, to finish the job.

They did not expect @MadamPirate to smile at them through bloody teeth, as if this was some type of joke.  Or for them to reach up and rip the rest of their damaged ball gown off, carelessly letting the fabric fall to the ground.  @txjennah PE most definitely did not expect to see the streamlined body armor that had prevented the knife from fully embedding itself.

The officer’s badge gleamed dully on @MadamPirate’s chest.

“We end this now,” They said, hand quickly going for their sidearm at @txjennah PE's scream of fury.  Without a pause, the clip was unloaded with exacting precision and prejudice, followed by reloading so they could be ready.  Because, even though they trusted @vhab49_PE to do their best, there was one simple fact about @blybrook PE: they were a bear.  

A bear was a class of its own and an injured bear was another, but an injured bear, blinded both physically and by love, that had been forced into multiple costume changes throughout this event, was a class of fight that nobody had ever historically been through without dying (it’s never been documented, which means it always ended in fatality).

It’s a simple fact that when a bear fights in the wild, instinct points them towards disabling the weapons of their enemy, which for a bear is their jaws and, to a lesser effect, their large claws.  A fighting bear will try to do everything in their power to target their enemy’s mouth. Unfortunately, this applies towards non-humans as well, meaning a bear will often rip the face off of lesser attackers.

It’s what self-preservation forces them to do.

So @MadamPirate knew @blybrook PE was going to attack before the bear’s brain cells made the decision, could hear the saliva bubbling in their maw as they situated their bulk before they charged like a locomotive being thrown off its tracks.

@MadamPirate quickly fired three shots, hitting deep in the meat of @blybrook PE’s bulk, before they dodged out of the way with a tuck-and-roll.  They stopped in a genuflect, preparing for the next round, hand slapping up to their forehead to smear away the blood that had been slowly dripping into one eye and clouding their vision.

@blybrook PE roared in annoyance when their attack did not reap any impact, vibrating the windows and mirrors present on-set and sending one of the makeup girls squealing and clamping their hands over their ears.  The momentary distraction, where @blybrook PE paused to swing their head in the direction in an attempt to determine if it was @MadamPirate, was enough for the police officer to fire of a few more shots at the opening.

@blybrook PE locked their knees, bracing against the onslaught and letting out a woof of frustration.  They mock charged in-place a few times, as if to ramp themselves up for their attack, before letting out a bark of rage.

This time, when they ran at @MadamPirate, they swung their head from side to side as an impromptu battering ram, mouth wide and ready to catch on anything.

They were lucky and locked onto @MadamPirate’s leg below the knee.  With a cringing snap, the bone was crunched between the jaws and the body thrown to the side.  Without pause, a huge paw with 3-inch claws came slamming down onto @MadamPirate face, to prevent them from mauling in retaliation.  @blybrook PE gave a guttural bark deep in their throat before they took out a chunk of the cop’s upper torso, tossing the mouthful to the side so that another could be scraped away from the shoulder cavity.

They huffed in place for a few minutes, shaking their head every few seconds to hear if there were any other survivors, before they lumbered to their feet.  Another huge shake of the head and rubbing with a paw revealed one eye still intact, though covered with matted, bloody, fur.

“So, I guess you won?”

@blybrook PEswung towards @will.i.am’s voice, lips pulled back in a snarl, before they snapped back into their television persona and gingerly picked their way over.

“Not that I don’t think you have a great personality,” @Will.I.Am PE said, “But I don’t think it’d work out.  I mean, you’re a bear. And I’m me.” An awkward pause. “And I have a wife.”

The bear grumbled, sitting back on its haunches.  There goes its spinoff series.

@blybrook PE is mafia.

The remaining player is: @blybrook PE

Sucks that we lost but that was fun to read. Thanks for modding.

Ok, so, real talk.

I proposed the strategy that I would basically give myself up early on in order to give the other Mafs an out. Did it work to throw you all off, or was it all just coincidence?

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