EB Mafia

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After the amazing night’s sleep @blybrook PE got, he arrived at the station bright eyed and not-so-bushy tailed (he is a bear, after all!). He sat down and reviewed @Roarbark and @NikR_PE’s files, looking for connections between the two. He noticed someone in the background of surveillance photos taken of the two. He asked for someone to enhance the image and identify the person in the background. The bear paced impatiently around his office until someone brought him a slip of paper. He grinned (a terrifying thing) and headed out.

@blybrook PE drove across town and parked down the street from the address he’d been given. He walked slowly up the street, acting nonchalant while scoping out the property. A two-story building, offices on the first floor and apartments on top. Some of the apartments had lights on. @blybrook PE circled the block and waited.

Before too long, his quarry exited the offices on the bottom floor of the building. @blybrook PE watched him head for the parking lot, then put on a burst of speed to catch up to the subject. He flexed his claws before grabbing @chart94 and slamming him against a car. @chart94 was terrified, he’d never been arrested by a bear before. @blybrook PE got him into handcuffs and checked him for cyanide pills – won’t be making that mistake again.

As it turned out, @chart94 was a weak link. He explained that the cult leader was a guy named @Audi driver, P.E. and that everyone belonged to him. He had seen it as a personal affront when people left his cult, and sent @Roarbark and @NikR_PE to kill them. @chart94 explained that being part of the cult, they were part of a bigger organism, and those who left the whole died.

@blybrook PE sent in the feds to clean up the cult, and hoped @Audi driver, P.E. would see charges. He doubted it, but he could still hope.

@chart94 was mafia.

Townies win!

We would have won if @chart94 was abke to access EB and vote the time @tj_PE and @Roarbark were tied for votes. 
Yes :( . Miscalculated since I didn't know he couldn't vote.
We were extremely lucky with voting in the early rounds, and it would have led to a quick mafia victory if someone didn't lock one of our members in a fridge for most of the game.  :eek:ldman:

Good game, all! 

@tj_PE Were you the cop?  Is that why you voted out lycee, because you found out she was a special character?
Lycee was a bad judgement call. RBH, Cheb, tj, and myself were on the town PM thread but RBH was nightkilled on day 2 so we could not confirm the identity of more people to add the the PM group. Duran was also added near the end of the game after we had separate discussion with him and were able able to rule out him as being a potential mafia.

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