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so @csb  This is only 2 months away and while I think I could get in shape for it I don't think the wife would be happy with me spending my extra week of vacation this year doing this http://bran-inc.org/wp/   But how does this work do they drag my army GP medium tent and memory foam mattress around and you camp in the park somewhere or do you score a motel?

I start accruing 4 weeks PTO 4/1 so want to bank some time to do this next year--

so @csb  This is only 2 months away and while I think I could get in shape for it I don't think the wife would be happy with me spending my extra week of vacation this year doing this http://bran-inc.org/wp/   But how does this work do they drag my army GP medium tent and memory foam mattress around and you camp in the park somewhere or do you score a motel?

I start accruing 4 weeks PTO 4/1 so want to bank some time to do this next year--
Hey! I'm signed up to do this this year. I'm more than a little nervous that much of it will still be flooded/flood damaged when we go through. The floods of 2011 were still visible at the end of July. 

They will haul two bags up to 40 pounds each for you and the camping is typically at the local high school. This year in particular lacks the motel option because there aren't motels. There is a shower semi that follows the ride which is pretty awesome. 

I plan on doing this next year as well, having talked at least three other friends into doing it. Come join csb's fantastic journey! 

So is this a port a john week?

a few guys on my project that work for the state DOT alternate between doing this one and the one in Iowa every year, seems kind of cool.

So is this a port a john week?

a few guys on my project that work for the state DOT alternate between doing this one and the one in Iowa every year, seems kind of cool.
I also alternate BRAN and RAGBRAI. Both are fun, but are very different. RAGBRAI is insane. BRAN is a quieter ride, though there's usually a group of us in some local bar. 

Usually the schools have their bathrooms open, but it is a lot of port a johns. Of course, on the road, there's a lot of fence posts instead. 

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CO Peeps - My wife signed us up for the Tour De Moon this Year - But only the 40 miler..

First 20 miles looks all uphill?

Now I just have to get a road bike :(   - Anyone have thoughts on the REI brand?  They make a road bike hybrid for around $900 - I have $250 in REI Money to use which was my main thought in buying one from them?  I don't plan on doing much actual road biking, just the paved trails around town.

@csb@cement@FLBuff PE

If you're doing that, this is the setup you need:


But, in all seriousness, the REI bike should be fine. 

I did that a few years ago...it was awesome! Great views, and good food afterwards. I invested in some thorn protector tire strips, because the Monument is known for having crown thorns that will dig into your tires, and I got paranoid. I did the metric century (~61 miles), and you're not missing anything by skipping out on those 20 extra miles. It is just a spin around Fruita and the surrounding farmland. Unfortunately for @csb, I forgot my cowboy hat at home when I rode it.

You should book your hotel now.  There are three hotels right by the start/finish line but they book out quickly.  We had to stay out by the airport the first time we did that ride.  Not a big hassle, but it sure was nice to just walk out the front door and ride.  We're out of town that weekend.

FLBuff is right in that you don't miss much by skipping the Fruita Loop.  

It's a great ride, amazing scenery, well supported, a great community there.   We still talk about how good the peanut butter between two Oreos tasted at the aid station on the plateau.  The climb is pretty gradual, I'd recommend getting some training in to build your butt callouses for the 40 miler.  I'm sure @csb has some tips.

It's on my wish list, but not for this year. 

My tip for butt calluses will always be to buy a recumbent. If that's not feasible, I suggest coating your chamois with so much diaper paste that you can't see the fabric. 

Or something about getting rides in and you'll be fine. You'll be fine. 

I think she got a room at the La Quinta? its about 5 miles from the park gates but was the closest place -

We did a small 13 mile ride Sunday, ass is still hurting from that - and that was flat.  Not much hill training available on the prairie - we plan to do that copper to vail ride  a few times this summer - hopefully we can catch up with you on one of those.

I like to do the mountain bike course in superior by the windmills - its about a 20 mile course and has some good hill work but the wife doesn't care for the bumpiness of riding off road, but I plan to use it for some hill work outs.

Maybe next year we can all plan to do either the BRAN or the one in Iowa?

The year that I did Tour of the Moon, we happened to be camping in Loma that weekend, so I just got up early at the campsite, and trucked into GJ for the ride. I just put in miles to avoid butt callouses (no chamois butter for me). Just get some longer rides in, make sure that you can handle the 40-mile ride. The best thing you can do (apart from pre-riding the course before the event), is try to map out a ride that will be similar to the Tour of the Moon and ride it a couple of times. Failing that, just get in some miles!

If we’re 5 miles from starting line is it best to just bike there? That’s what I was planning to do- but at the end of the ride I may not want those extra 5 miles back to the hotel?

They make a big deal -on the website- about having a certain type of bike light?

We normally bike the US 36 bikeway in the summer- 20 to 25 miles or so- there are some hills but nothing crazy. That will probably be our butt busting in rides

The bike lights are for the tunnels which are not lighted.  The two that you pass thru on the way up are short and you can see all the way thru.  The one on the downhill is long and bumpy, especially when folks are flying downhill.  There was a wreck in there last time we rode.  The lights they sell are designed for you to be seen rather than to light the way.  Be sure to flip up your sunglasses and you'll be OK.  There's still lots of chances to to really fast after that.  There might be cops at the park boundary writing tickets for people that cross over the double yellow.

You can certainly ride from the hotel to the start/finish

The US 36 bikeway is good training.  We have a few rides in Summit we could show you that will make the climb no problem.  10 mile canyon is pretty awesome.  Add Vail Pass and you're golden. 

ok that's good to know, I think the wife ordered some lights when she signed us up - So do I need a "front light" for the tunnel?

And we promise we are doing some bike rides with yall this summer - last summer I think having  a kid graduate and family stay for a month really wrecked our summer! - This year even though middle kid graduates I think the family is not staying as long (crossed fingers)

Do people ride crazy fast or will there be an old people section? 
