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Which team do you think did the best job?

  • The Big Red One

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A Team

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
Now is the time to vote for the team that you think did the best job in the first challenge.

Here were the instructions:

Team 1 will debate that Lord of the Rings was far superior than Star Wars Episode I-III

Team A will debate that Star Wars Epsiode I-III was far superior than Lord of the Rings

Now for voting you shouldnt decide based on wether you personally like SW or LOTR, but on which team did the better job of presenting their case.

You may also include in your vote which team came up with the better name, logo, avatar, etc, (Which was the first part of this challenge)

Link to 1st Challenge

Voting will end 2/4/09 @ 10:00 PM EST

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I'm assuming that the members involved should not be voting for themselves?

I did not read that.
I didn't read it either, but since we are going to be biased in out opinions, we probably shouldn't vote for ourselves, right? :dunno:

Maybe it's already to late for some of us.

Also, which way will the man of a thousand aliases (VT) be voting?

thats fine if the members want to vote for their team (it should all cancel out in the end anyways)

& we will be tracking each vote so dont go making up 100 new user names (tracked via IP #)

thats fine if the members want to vote for their team (it should all cancel out in the end anyways)
except we had two members never show and one that was arguing for the other team. ;)

Team 1 should automatically lose because they failed to mention in the debates that LOTR had trebuchets in it. A shameful oversight if ever there was one.

except we had two members never show and one that was arguing for the other team. ;)
Obviously, you had some intelligent members that recognize a sinking ship (the Raging Queen comes to mind) when they see one.

-infinity+1 for LOTR

Team 1 should automatically lose because they failed to mention in the debates that LOTR had trebuchets in it. A shameful oversight if ever there was one.
it was said. you haven't read fully my little hobbit.

now it is my understanding that the lobbying was to stop. have you not read those instructions either?

Before the vote is taken, each team will PM me about who they think most deserves immunity, and you can vote for yourself for immunity ONE time during the game. Member with most votes wins immunity.
How does this work? Does each team member send RG a PM with our immunity vote, or does the team as a whole decide (I've never watched the show this game is based on). And when do we do this?

Ha ha, Team 1 has "hobbit bones".

The A Team has wookie bones!!!!!!!!!!

I voted for my own team for obvious reasons. I also feel that our avatars, signatures and name are much superior to the other team's. In fact I don't believe the other team ever bothered to come up with a name, which is why we took it upon ourselves to come up with one for them (Team Proctologist).

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we did come up with a name, but don't have an admin to change the forum.

How does this work? Does each team member send RG a PM with our immunity vote, or does the team as a whole decide (I've never watched the show this game is based on). And when do we do this?

here is what was originally posted:

Before the vote is taken, each team will PM me about who they think most deserves immunity, and you can vote for yourself for immunity ONE time during the game. Member with most votes wins immunity.

After the debate (Challenge) and we decide "who lost" the losing team will PM me with their vote for who they want to get rid of, if you do not vote, you vote for yourself (I will let you know when its time for tribal council)

Basically if your team loses, then that team votes for the person who they think did the least work, or didnt help out their team.....

So I need your vote for immunity BEFORE we decide which team loses (so I need to get those PDQ!!!!!)

anyone who doesnt vote (via PM to me) before the end of the poll wont be counted for immunity (right now I think I only have 2 votes for immunity)

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