^ So if I am an American citizen who happens to have brown skin, and find myself in Arizona being harassed by dumbshit racist clerks who think this law gives them an excuse to exercize their prejudices against people who aren't white, I should just leave?
So if I am an American citizen who happens to have white skin, and find myself passed-over for a job because of stupid **** laws that unfairly give those of non-white descent a higher spot on the pole (regardless of qualifications), I shouldn't be upset?
To answer your question, though, I never said you should leave. If you're here illegally, you're here illegally and are therefore a criminal. If the punishment is deportation, so be it. They have no right to cry that they're not being treated fairly. Illegals know what they're doing. Also, racists are everywhere and have every color of skin. People get mistaken for the real criminal all the time and get dragged to jail. If anyone thinks they'll be harassed, maybe they should carry paperwork with them to prove their citizenship. I'm sure Arizona will publish what will suffice. Hell, I carry my DL, credit cards, business cards, insurance cards, ATM card, cash, phone, and keys with me all the time. Is another piece of paper or two really too much to ask? As an aside - white people are not immune from racial laws. Ever seen anyone of Mexican descent with similar skin tone as a "white" person? Boy, I have.
Finally, why are people all jumping on the ship defending those who are here illegally in the first place? For the past 10+ years, the presidency has promised to crack down on illegal immigration, but all have dropped the ball and taxpayers suffer the consequences. However, when Arizona, which has all types of problems with drugs, crime, financial hardship that all stem from this immigration boom, decides to take matters into their own hands and save itself, everyone gets in a tizzy. I really don't give a rat's ass if the illegal is Mexican, Canadian, Pakistani, or frickin' British. My tax dollars, which always seem to be taken from me faster and faster, are funding all types of programs for these illegals. "But they pay social security if they are using an anonymous SS# to get a job!" So? You think SS will benefit anyone in 10 years? BTW, one of my great-grandmothers came over on a boat from Germany (learned the English language), another was full blood Native American (learned the English language, too), and countless others in my family came from Britain... ALL LEGALLY!
While we're at it, let's kill the law that forces convicted child molesters to register their whereabouts, notify their neighbors, and have it on their records. They're being discriminated against because potential employers will see this information and won't want to hire them. Boo-f'ing-hoo.
Cliff's Notes: Illegal is illegal is illegal. Doing something illegal makes you a criminal. Criminals should face the consequences. Sometimes good people get mistaken for criminals. If you're in Arizona, help yourself prevent a mistake onto you. Today's laws positively and negatively affect everyone. You can't make everyone happy. Discrimination is everywhere.