RIP - VTEnviro
His Memory Eternal
Closest thing we ever get to a fly-by at the office is when the power company sends the helicopter out to inspect the high voltage transmissionlines out behind the parking lot.
Best of luck with your new fleshlight.My Gary Fong Lightsphere showed up yesterday. It is, for all intensive purposes, a $50 potato salad container with a hole in the bottom.
I have a SmugMug account (not Pro) that I've been pretty happy with. You can get a 3rd party uploader that greatly simplifies uploading photos.Been playing with the 7D quite a bit lately. In terms of image quality, it's spectacular.
The autofocus, while praised very heavily, is hit or miss. The full 19 point mode is useless, as it focuses only on the closest thing. The zone isn't much better. I've lost quite a few shots as "keepers" because they were very slightly out of focus. Basically, any portraiture, etc, HAS to be done with a spot focus and a smaller aperture to keep the subject in focus. Wide open at 2.8 with even some of the best glass Canon makes is sketchy at best.
When you DO nail that focus though... wow. Also got to play with some of the wireless flash functions last night as well. A little pre-flash to trigger it and voila! Works like a charm. Picture volume is starting to get up there though. Contemplating a SmugMug Pro account soon for unlimited file storage, and the ability to order prints. When I priced out photo printers and the associated ink costs, you're money ahead by just ordering through a lab. I grabbed a few 8x10's from Adorama at $1.25 each.
I have a SmugMug account (not Pro) that I've been pretty happy with. You can get a 3rd party uploader that greatly simplifies uploading photos.Been playing with the 7D quite a bit lately. In terms of image quality, it's spectacular.
The autofocus, while praised very heavily, is hit or miss. The full 19 point mode is useless, as it focuses only on the closest thing. The zone isn't much better. I've lost quite a few shots as "keepers" because they were very slightly out of focus. Basically, any portraiture, etc, HAS to be done with a spot focus and a smaller aperture to keep the subject in focus. Wide open at 2.8 with even some of the best glass Canon makes is sketchy at best.
When you DO nail that focus though... wow. Also got to play with some of the wireless flash functions last night as well. A little pre-flash to trigger it and voila! Works like a charm. Picture volume is starting to get up there though. Contemplating a SmugMug Pro account soon for unlimited file storage, and the ability to order prints. When I priced out photo printers and the associated ink costs, you're money ahead by just ordering through a lab. I grabbed a few 8x10's from Adorama at $1.25 each.
Send to SmugMug by Omar ShahineI have a SmugMug account (not Pro) that I've been pretty happy with. You can get a 3rd party uploader that greatly simplifies uploading photos.Been playing with the 7D quite a bit lately. In terms of image quality, it's spectacular.
The autofocus, while praised very heavily, is hit or miss. The full 19 point mode is useless, as it focuses only on the closest thing. The zone isn't much better. I've lost quite a few shots as "keepers" because they were very slightly out of focus. Basically, any portraiture, etc, HAS to be done with a spot focus and a smaller aperture to keep the subject in focus. Wide open at 2.8 with even some of the best glass Canon makes is sketchy at best.
When you DO nail that focus though... wow. Also got to play with some of the wireless flash functions last night as well. A little pre-flash to trigger it and voila! Works like a charm. Picture volume is starting to get up there though. Contemplating a SmugMug Pro account soon for unlimited file storage, and the ability to order prints. When I priced out photo printers and the associated ink costs, you're money ahead by just ordering through a lab. I grabbed a few 8x10's from Adorama at $1.25 each.
Any suggestions for the uploader?