Did you get my email???

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
God I hate when people send you an email, then they walk over and ask if you got it?

No I fucking deleted yours because I knew you were going to come ask me about it so thanks for wasting my time twice asshole!!!


okay feel better, thanks!

I'll do that to people who have a tendancy to not respond, reply or take the necessary action communicated in the email....

so I guess what I'm saying is....

Are you sure THEY are the asshole?

yes they are in the wrong!

There is a difference when people do not respond and you have to follow up, but I am talking about the people who send you an email diatribe, and then 4 minutes later come ask you about it!!!!!

That annoying girl that sit's in the cube outside of my office does that shit all the time. The other thing she does that drives me nucking futs is that if an email is sent to me and she's copied and I happen to be away from my desk, she'll make sure to tell me that I received an email when I'm on my way back to my office. News flash, Microsoft Outlook highlights new messages so I don't need you to notify me every time I have new mail.

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I'll do that to people who have a tendancy to not respond, reply or take the necessary action communicated in the email....
so I guess what I'm saying is....

Are you sure THEY are the asshole?

SapperPE said:
Yeah, I do that to people sometimes. Mainly because I want immediate feedback and I tend to express myself more coherently in writing than with spoken words sometimes, so I write the email and then wait for them to read it, then go check and see what their reaction is. Mainly I do that to my boss. I guess it is kind of annoying, but it helps me accomplish my task, so fuck it.
Count me in this crowd. I do it when the item needs immediate attention and I know they're in their office and don't respond to the e-mail in a timely fashion.

I have to admit I do that with the cute girl that sits about 3 cubes away...... but for altogether different reasons :eyebrows:

I do watch Adult swim... and I don't get it.... maybe I'm just dumb.... My favorite is Aqua Teen Hunger Force

I hate when someone calls during lunchtime and is surprised I am answering the phone... "Gee, I thought you'd be at lunch?"... Didn't really want to have to talk to me, did you?

I prefer to talk to people face to face, but if people are going to come talk to you anyway, why waste the time with the email?

I have two people at work that do this with just about every email they send, most of them (the people and the emails) are not, in my opinion, important
