Describe the last thing you saw when you lifted the lid on a porta potty

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Nothing special, but I came within a fraction of an inch of dropping my cell phone into a pit toilet recently. It fell out of an open pocket on my jacket while I was bending down to close the lid, and bounced off the rim. Fortunately it bounced onto the (disgusting) floor of the rest stop.  If it had gone into the pit, it would have been gone. 
You could have scooped it out of there with a zip lock bag and sent it to the geek squad.

The sludge surface was at least 6 feet down from the seat, so a fishing expedition would have been pretty tough.  But yeah, if I could have gotten it out,  giving it to the geek squad would have been fun.

Now they're putting in shifters for those epic trips:


My mom dropped her brand new 9mm S&W in the porta potty while at a Guns for Grandma's course taught by the local sheriff's department.  Her last CCW was stolen while she was at Sunday Mass (no joke).

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My mom dropped her brand new 9mm S&W in the porta potty while at a Guns for Grandma's course taught by the local sheriff's department.  Her last CCW was stolen while she was getting at Sunday Mass (no joke).
did she get it back?

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****.  I don't know the last time I used a pot-o-gold.  For #1, I go wherever no one is looking (behind car, tree, back porch).  For #2, I preemptively strike at home and go before I caught in a p-o-g trap.

We are not allowed to use Port-O-Johns on our jobsites.  We have plumbed restroom trailers (both male and female) and comfort trailers with a separate bathroom, a small kitchen with sinks/microwaves, and lunch tables/chairs. This is part of our corporate safety requirements.

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About 4 years ago, there was a semi-large expansion at a refinery next door to us and someone found a scribble on the wall inside a construction porto-crapper that said "I'm gonna blow this bitch up."  Result?  Construction stopped, all crappers now had an attendant who inspected both before AND after each visit, and our plant had mandatory HS&E and staff meetings.  

I'm sensing a disturbing trend in normal (non-portable) public restrooms: not flushing after taking a dump.  Is this some sort of twisted way to brag or something?  Usually, there's no TP in the bowl, to boot. It's definitely not a plugging/clogging issue. WTH, over? Anyone else noticing this?


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