Sorry to hear that. Don't get discouraged, surveying was new to me and other than an undergrad class I took 20 years ago, I knew nothing. I took Reza's class and Kirk (CPESR). When I took Reza's live webinar back in September, I was so lost and overwhelmed. I took CPESR and watched the lectures and the way Kirk explains things, he makes it simple and easy to understand. I began to understand Reza's workbook and solve the problems on my own. Slowly it began to click and my speed increased. I did Reza's workbook 2x, all his quizzes, practice exam and the problems in CPESR. The CPESR exams were the best preparation and I did those multiple times.
Aside from the classes, I would watch YouTube videos on various topics where I felt I needed a better understanding. This is what I did, and by no means is it the only recipe for success. I probably put in 150-200 hours, because I needed lots of time and preparation. There are many who need a fraction of that and pass without issue. I hope that helps.