Yup steam tables - Pv.
Steam table by temp. Look up abs pressure for the water temp. Convert psia to feet.Yup steam tables - Pv.
Yup steam tables - Pv.
Steam table by temp. Look up abs pressure for the water temp. Convert psia to feet.Yup steam tables - Pv.
No questions are weak at this point! I've had my share brain darts as well... still blazing through solutions and f'ing up units! Definitely going to triple check units and conversions on the exam.I'm singed up for t&fs. I have been through the the six minute and ncees 3 times each and had a compiled list of unanswered questions. This was one I had a brain fart on, obviously.
Don't waste too much time on the SMS - in fact I suggest you burn it. Review the major concepts.
I would do some problems using the SI tables. You should be familiar with them just in case.Don't think you'll see any thermo probs requiring steam tables use SI units on the exam. Not saying it's impossible, just highly unlikely.
i'm feeling the same way! friday cant come soon enoughHoping for the best. Think I'm burnt out at this point and just want to get it over and done with.
You might want to consider adding ASHRAE Fundamentals to the list.No Shigleys, D1000? I thought guys lived by that....
T&S for me- heat transfer, thermo, machine design, Crane TP 410, unit conversion book, and my home brewed binder. Oh yeah- and that MERM thingy I got last week!