Corona with Lime

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I suscribe to the belief that the person who has 2 adult beverages a day is sig. healthier than the person who does not. . .. the tricky part is toeing that "2" line. . .. . and seriously, my bourbon rocks nightcaps [Evan Williams] are pretty much triples (and thats just the nightcaps)

I suscribe to the belief that the person who has 2 adult beverages a day is sig. healthier than the person who does not. . .. the tricky part is toeing that "2" line. . .. . and seriously, my bourbon rocks nightcaps [Evan Williams] are pretty much triples (and thats just the nightcaps)
I thought this was for red wine and blood cells and stuff.... my jim beam kept me company plenty of nights while my hubby was deployed, I think I'm healthier because it washes away the worries, but then this is a statement made after three of them so who knows... (today was my last day at work before the move, I'm unemployed and deserve to wallow in it)

I thought this was for red wine and blood cells and stuff.... my jim beam kept me company plenty of nights while my hubby was deployed, I think I'm healthier because it washes away the worries, but then this is a statement made after three of them so who knows... (today was my last day at work before the move, I'm unemployed and deserve to wallow in it)
Thats just it, i drink wine on occasion w/ dinner or beer or even at cocktail hour, but never alter my bourbon nightcaps so my two-adays are . . .well. . - welcome to the club (no work). I'll be having that triple E. W. shortly and clink my glass in a southerly direction. At least you got something lined up post-move, right?

Thats just it, i drink wine on occasion w/ dinner or beer or even at cocktail hour, but never alter my bourbon nightcaps so my two-adays are . . .well. . - welcome to the club (no work). I'll be having that triple E. W. shortly and clink my glass in a southerly direction. At least you got something lined up post-move, right?

Not yet... not for the lack of trying... I got pretty frustrated and gave up for a while... I don't really NEED to work but I know I'm going to go stir crazy if I don't find something soon, and I still want to be earning that experiance to get to where you guys are... there just don't seem to be many jobs that I would like to do that I'm qualified for. A downfall of changing careers I guess. Southerly direction? how south?

BEER: I had a discussion on Fosters today (just to stay on topic a little).

... and I still want to be earning that experiance ...
Check the requirements on experience. I know when I was in the application process and trying to qualify my experience, NC regs said that experience had to be "continuous and progressive". I had a gap when I was unemployed due to layoff that I had to explain. I'm not sure what happens if you don't have an acceptable reason for not working.

Check the requirements on experience. I know when I was in the application process and trying to qualify my experience, NC regs said that experience had to be "continuous and progressive". I had a gap when I was unemployed due to layoff that I had to explain. I'm not sure what happens if you don't have an acceptable reason for not working.

Well I would hope that Uncle Sam sent us to a different base and since I just spent 15 months away from my husband while he was in Iraq and I wasn't going to not move with him would be an acceptable reason for not working... but even if it's not, I will be starting to study for my FE anyway since I can take it up in Virginia at anytime.... besides, I really hope to only take a month or two off... to get settled and find the job and thats it. We will only be there for three years and are hopeing to travel a bit further next move so my career will go to heck in a hadbag then anyway.

I had a gap when I was unemployed due to layoff that I had to explain. I'm not sure what happens if you don't have an acceptable reason for not working.
See thats what i'm sweating over, but my reason is iron-clad: there ain't no freakin work in Mich in my fields of experience! Hopefully if my sizable gap comes up in any interviews (if they ever happen), they'll be on the same page of knowing how bad the civil & surveying industries are in MI. Right now, things are ok living on spouse's income, plus w/ two bambinos, it makes sense right now to not sweat it and be the stay at home daddy, and gear up for the October FE. Maybe by then work will be back around in my neck of woods, but w/ spouse having a kick-@ss job, were certainly not looking at relocating. I'll be sweating over ensuring i get the requisite 4 yrs exp (don't know how much i can count pre-degree)

Ouch, I hate to break this to you, but MI doesn't count any work prior to your ABET BS as experience toward the PE--I wanted to use my internship as experience, but could not. Not sure on the PS. (But of course you should still verify this with the board, as I could be wrong or the requirements could have changed)

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... I just spent 15 months away from my husband while he was in Iraq ...
Hey, engineergurl, I'm very thankful for what your husband is doing for us and I appreciate your support of him. I know how hard it is for couples to relocate. We've never had to do it. Good luck in the job hunt when you get there.

Hey, engineergurl, I'm very thankful for what your husband is doing for us and I appreciate your support of him. I know how hard it is for couples to relocate. We've never had to do it. Good luck in the job hunt when you get there.

You don't realize the importance of hearing this every now and then, thanks mary, and I'm sure I'll find something eventually...

Ouch, I hate to break this to you, but MI doesn't count any work prior to your ABET BS as experience toward the PE--I wanted to use my internship as experience, but could not. Not sure on the PS. (But of course you should still verify this with the board, as I could be wrong or the requirements could have changed)
yeah i though this to be true, but had a PE i worked w/ tell me to petition the board (can't hurt to try); this wasn't summer work or internships, this was actual, real work, at technician level anyways (pre EIT of course, so i'm prob f#cked) - For PS, they do consider prior exp on a case by case basis - work essentially has to be at least at level that a 4yr grad would come in at. There is some wiggle room with that board, but again, i still can't find work!!! :brickwall:

^^OH, my dad used to drink that. It must be cheap.
Don't knock a classic!

My grandfather used to work at the Pabst plant in Newark... I basically grew up on that stuff (and still drink it today). My best friend's grandfather worked with my grandfather at the plant. They would pull up to my grandmother's house after getting out of work on a friday with the job box in his pick up truck filled with ice and PBR. It would take him and my dad all night to unload the box, of course while drinking.

I will drink just about anything, but my beer fridge is generally stocked with PBR and Miller High Life (The Champagne of Beers). I will also load up on some Ballantine Ale from time to time (former plumbing guy here turned me on to it... he was in the Ballantine Drum & Bugle Corp in the 50's).

Ray: do you have a couple of Carlings Black Labels in your fridge, too?

You guys and gals can say what you want about corona but nothing beats a cold corona with a lime while sitting on Edisto beach in July with the breeze blowing in your face. As to the southern beers, I agree that the yankees have a one up on us in the brewing department. But our bourbon beats the hell out of anything they produce north of the Mason-Dixon line. There are some local breweries down here in Chucktown (Palmetto Brewing Co. and Coast) that I like but I have never found their beer outside of South Carolina. If you are ever down in the lowcountry I'll be happy to show you where to get a good beer.

Don't knock a classic!
My grandfather used to work at the Pabst plant in Newark... I basically grew up on that stuff (and still drink it today).

I will drink just about anything, but my beer fridge is generally stocked with PBR and Miller High Life (The Champagne of Beers). I will also load up on some Ballantine Ale from time to time (former plumbing guy here turned me on to it... he was in the Ballantine Drum & Bugle Corp in the 50's).
Aaaahh! I was born in Wilmington, DE. Lived there til I was 6. So that explains the allegience to Pabst. I think he also used to drink Ballentine. And Schlitz.

Later in life he only drank vodka. A lot of it. Everyday. Results were bad.

I'm a little late on this one, but the Esso club in Clemson used to have Mexi-Monday's during the summer. Corona was a $1 and it came with all the chips and queso you could eat. Good Times! :beerchug: :beerchug: :beerchug:
