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Went into the office this morning for the first time since this mess got started. I was there for an hour. Literally all I did was pack up my stuff, and the stuff of some of my co-workers. Our lease ends and we're moving to a new location.

Of course, we'll probably be teleworking for another 6-12 months until things calm down, so the office move doesn't really change anything. And to be blunt, I think most of us will continue teleworking near 100% even after things calm down. 

This is the first time I left the State in months. And it's the first time I've gone more than 15 mile from home in that same period.

Went into the office this morning for the first time since this mess got started. I was there for an hour. Literally all I did was pack up my stuff, and the stuff of some of my co-workers. Our lease ends and we're moving to a new location.

Of course, we'll probably be teleworking for another 6-12 months until things calm down, so the office move doesn't really change anything. And to be blunt, I think most of us will continue teleworking near 100% even after things calm down. 

This is the first time I left the State in months. And it's the first time I've gone more than 15 mile from home in that same period.
I will be teleworking until least Labor Day. I hadn"t been in my office for about three months, there was a period in Late June/ early July where I was there 5 times in the span of three weeks.

I used to put 100 plus miles a day on my car. There have been weeks where I haven:t driven 100 miles

Boo...I'm still in the office nearly every day. I know people are having varying levels of discomfort and/or inconvenience during these weirdo times....however, almost nothing has changed for me so I feel a little left out of the zeitgeist. Not a bad thing for sure!

Unlike RB, I hardly ever drove to work since I took the bus/biked. But now I drive every day. Not complaining, just weirdo times. Plus, one of the drivers on my route caught the Rona so probably best I'm not riding public transit.

I will be teleworking until least Labor Day. I hadn"t been in my office for about three months, there was a period in Late June/ early July where I was there 5 times in the span of three weeks.

I used to put 100 plus miles a day on my car. There have been weeks where I haven:t driven 100 miles
*continues working at the office because it's a hospital*

I wanna work from home so badly.  T_T

*continues working at the office because it's a hospital*

I wanna work from home so badly.  T_T
As hot as it has been not missing field work. Especially going to refineries. Wearing NOMEX suit on 95 degree day with 90 % + humidity not fun.

Plus contractor ones had to be orange, so driving around on public streets looking like you just escaped prison🙂

As hot as it has been not missing field work. Especially going to refineries. Wearing NOMEX suit on 95 degree day with 90 % + humidity not fun.

Plus contractor ones had to be orange, so driving around on public streets looking like you just escaped prison🙂
Oooof, yeah, that is the one thing I am happy about: I haven't had to do outside field work in forever.  Field work inside a hospital is a different beast, but still is much more pleasant than standing outside looking like an escaped convict.

I got a haircut on Friday. It was the first one since late February. For three weeks prior I would look in the mirror and see Bob Ross. It was getting embarrassing. The fro had to go.

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So, our hallways are now one-way so people don't get too close to one another when passing by. So, instead of a left turn to walk the 80 steps to the restroom, I have to walk aaaaallllllllll the way around the entire floor. Not complaining though, helps with my step count!
Great.  Like you need MORE steps.

I'm home again at least today and tomorrow, so steps will be in the low hundreds again.

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