Corona Spam Thread??

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Don't stop being who you are... a spammer.

O hai, fellow working on day off -SPAM
It's not even for the project that's been keeping me from taking a day off the last few months. It's other stuff that someone else forgot to do, forgot to tell anyone that it needed to be done, and when TPTB realized something was wrong, I got pulled in to clean it up. They're going to be pissed when I use their charge code,  but DILLIGAF.

It's not even for the project that's been keeping me from taking a day off the last few months. It's other stuff that someone else forgot to do, forgot to tell anyone that it needed to be done, and when TPTB realized something was wrong, I got pulled in to clean it up. They're going to be pissed when I use their charge code,  but DILLIGAF.
Their fault. They want the best, they pay for the best.

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