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Does anyone else peal a banana the correct way. I.e. stem down?

And what about oranges? Does anyone else roll it on the countertop or between your hands to separate the skin from the insides?

Played quiplash with some family the other day and nobody knew what a taint was. The question was "What does Channing Tatum call his junk?" I put "Channing Taintum." Nobody understood. Once I explained it lost its funnyness. However, taint when then the go-to word for the rest of the game.

Is it time yet to get the decorative hay bale and some mums in an old bucket? Or should we wait a few weeks.

The 2yo had to get her finger pricked yesterday at the doctor for a blood sample. Everyone, including myself, was shocked she didn't even care. She's one tough cookie.

On the other hand, my boy had to get his second round of shots and screamed bloody murder. 

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I've been keeping my eye on an American Professional Stratocaster on Craigslist. It's a decent deal, but I'm waiting out to see if he'll lower his price. Right now the "price is firm."

Just found out that Ulysses S. Grant's middle initial doesn't stand for anything. Kind of ironic since he's a man that stood for a lot of things.

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Time to send my morning abnormal summary report. Looking forward to not sending that out every morning after next week. It's impossible to sleep in while quarantined since I have to send it before 8am. But then again I have kids, so I couldn't sleep in anyways.

Photographer is coming by tomorrow to take photos of the house. Our realtor said most houses in this area get their first offer in about 4 hours, and are usually under contract in under 24 hours. Would be nice for a quick sale with the market so high.

The weather isn't as nice as it was yesterday. Today it's 55F, but with storm clouds overhead.

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