Congrats Everyone!

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score
I am truly excited for everyone who passed (the humanitarian in me) but part of me (the engineer) is getting nervous. Lets face it this is a numbers game and with so many of you passing, I'm afraid to see MY results. But no joke congrats to all of you!

By the way I sent a thank you letter to the Admin Assistant at the NH Joint Board of Licensure to thank her for keeping us (New Hampsire test takers) and ultimately all of us up to date with what was going on.

people aren't going to get in a hurry to post that they failed.

The number posting they passed here means nothing. Overall it is a very small percentage of the number of people that took the exam.

Congrats to all that have passed!

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I would rather hear what those who failed wish they had done differently. Maybe they didn't work problems and only read. Maybe they didn't attend a class. Maybe they took too many books in....
