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From the Rice MOB. I actually saw this in person...hehe.
"We congratulate the S.E.C. and the Big 12, as both conferences improve their average IQ"...and it's goodbye to A&M.
You saw that in person? So not shopped? If so, and if that's the Texas band the irony is fantastic. It's Texas not wanting equal revenue sharing within the Big 12 which is prompting schools to leave for other conferences.

From the Rice MOB. I actually saw this in person...hehe.
"We congratulate the S.E.C. and the Big 12, as both conferences improve their average IQ"...and it's goodbye to A&M.
You saw that in person? So not shopped? If so, and if that's the Texas band the irony is fantastic. It's Texas not wanting equal revenue sharing within the Big 12 which is prompting schools to leave for other conferences.
The image is from Texas Monthly, and it's the Rice Owl band. The Longhorn Band usually has about 350 members on the field for a halftime show, and they wear burnt orange and white Stetsons...

As far as the revenue sharing goes, anybody else would could make a $300M deal for their own network should go right ahead...and Texas offered to share with A&M and other schools when the deal was being formed, and the aggies said, no thanks. SO, the IQ joke is very appropriate...

We do have some of the 'best' fans in college football. Shame really. A few idiots always make it bad for the rest.

WTF do people do this... ESPECIALLY after the Giants fan got beaten and it was all over the news? This is sad. And the fact that the school hasn't been more direct in curbing this trainwreck of a stereotype is worse.

What's the Big Deal


Making fun and ridiculing fans of the opposing team is one thing, but laying your hands on them is completely different and inexcusable.

watch the below video, and starting at the :13 second mark, on the right of the screen, you'll see the beginning of it, and the SEC ref 2 yards beside them. I was sitting 8 rows up on that side, and was certain it would be called. Ref had to be blind to miss that.

he had two handfuls of all jersey.

Again, not saying it would result in a WVU win, but that was hard to watch right in from of me..

As a Louisville fan that remembers the Pat White coming out party in 2005 and the botched onsides kick ref call

:p :p :p

I saw the hold too and the ref and also thought it was coming back. Yeah we have some idiots that do stupid things and wear stupid things. Too bad they don't realize they hurt the program from moving up and give us a bad name. Those Marshall shirts some fans were wearing was really distasteful. Oh well it was a good game, maybe a preview of what is too come with the Holgorsen era.

I saw the hold too and the ref and also thought it was coming back. Yeah we have some idiots that do stupid things and wear stupid things. Too bad they don't realize they hurt the program from moving up and give us a bad name. Those Marshall shirts some fans were wearing was really distasteful. Oh well it was a good game, maybe a preview of what is too come with the Holgorsen era.

I've heard some horror stories about Morgantown. I've watched Michigan State play just about everywhere and have been planning on going to WVU in a couple years.

(That's assuming MSU does not back out now that the B10 is moving to 9 conference games per year).

As a Louisville fan that remembers the Pat White coming out party in 2005 and the botched onsides kick ref call
:p :p :p

I saw the hold too and the ref and also thought it was coming back. Yeah we have some idiots that do stupid things and wear stupid things. Too bad they don't realize they hurt the program from moving up and give us a bad name. Those Marshall shirts some fans were wearing was really distasteful. Oh well it was a good game, maybe a preview of what is too come with the Holgorsen era.
It's been all over talk radio and the local networks, they are talking about how it needs to end. People were calling in today telling about incidents that they've seen, etc. It is rediculous, because 95% of everyone on Saturday was telling the LSU fans; "Welcome to Morgantown", "Good Luck", "Hope you guys do well, but not too well", etc. etc. It's the 5% idiots that have to give us a bad reputation.

We had 3 LSU guys at our tailgate all day. Several people I work with went with these guys to LSU last year, so invited them up for the game this year. Everyone treated them great all day. Only one person walked by and said "F$&K the Purple Shirts" but that was it

a couple of the clerks that work here were mouthing off and made bets with one of them. I will have to upload a photo of what the t-shirts they now have to wear this Friday.

(I'm not that dumb to bet on that game)

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Hurry and sign-up to still get in. Just to make it more interesting, if we can get at least 5 more to sign up by Saturday morning, I will change the set-up to drop the scores for the lowest 4 weeks of the season. Then, anyone getting in their picks by this week will still have an equal shot at the points lead by the end of the season.

Come on EB'ers, jump on in

Just made my picks for this week.

oh, and we have a revenge game against Iowa St. on saturday night. who has a nut for their school mascot anyway?

Just made my picks for this week.
oh, and we have a revenge game against Iowa St. on saturday night. who has a nut for their school mascot anyway?

THE Ohio State University does.

I am adamant that the reason Ohio State lost against Miami was that I was not donning my Laurinaitis jersey. Therefore, I will be wearing it this Saturday, and every Saturday, through the end of the season. Michigan State ought to be a good litmus test for whether or not Ohio State has truly bounced back with Miller behind center.

Just made my picks for this week.
oh, and we have a revenge game against Iowa St. on saturday night. who has a nut for their school mascot anyway?

THE Ohio State University does.

I am adamant that the reason Ohio State lost against Miami was that I was not donning my Laurinaitis jersey. Therefore, I will be wearing it this Saturday, and every Saturday, through the end of the season. Michigan State ought to be a good litmus test for whether or not Ohio State has truly bounced back with Miller behind center.
I must be ready for friday because i was confusing ISU with the OSU...something's nutty

Just made my picks for this week.
oh, and we have a revenge game against Iowa St. on saturday night. who has a nut for their school mascot anyway?

THE Ohio State University does.

I am adamant that the reason Ohio State lost against Miami was that I was not donning my Laurinaitis jersey. Therefore, I will be wearing it this Saturday, and every Saturday, through the end of the season. Michigan State ought to be a good litmus test for whether or not Ohio State has truly bounced back with Miller behind center.
I'll be on my way in about 90 minutes.

I think MSU has a chance if they can make tackles and play decent special teams. That will force Miller to work it down the field... not sure he can put long strings of plays together like that yet.

But the Bucks are the only B10 team Dantonio hasn't beat and MSU has not won there since the big 1998 upset (which was also the last time I was there).

I am truly ashamed of my Buckeyes today. The offense is beyond useless, Miller looks like a high school Freshman, and Luke Fickell should be burned at the stake for both his lack of leadership and abhorrent play calling. They may as well stick some tackling dummies in place of their offensive line.

I think my game-watching for the year is over. I will entertain the thought of watching them next year if Urban Meyer is brought in, in place of Fuckell.
