I passed April 2015 Mechanical T/F first time. I'm still giddy but here are a few thoughts regarding my study habits.
I ordered the MERM back in November or December. The first few weeks were spent worrying about my application and waiting to be approved to sit the exam. Once that was done, I started into the MERM. Early on I also bought Dr. Tom's Exam Day Companion (EDC) for $95. It was money well spent. As I would go through studying and working problems, I would add notes to the EDC, all of which was kept in a 3-ring binder. When working a problem or taking a practice test, I would first go to the applicable section of the EDC. Only when I needed to look up tables, properties, etc. would I crack open the MERM. This really helped me to organize my notes and to focus on what would be on the exam.
I took the NCEES practice exam about 5 weeks before the exam and then the Lindburg practice exam about two weeks out. I spent the last two weeks going through ALL of the practice exam questions and working them again to make sure I understood how to solve and to quickly sort out where to go in my EDC.
During the actual exam, the only references I used were my EDC, the MERM, a separate copy of the ASME Steam Tables, and (for one question) an Engineering Dictionary. I had also brought the SMS, 101 Solved Problems, and the two practice exams but never touched them.
Here's hoping many more of you join the club!