Passed - Mechanical: Mechanical Systems and Materials
For anyone interested, for studying I used the MERM, the MERM Practice Problems, the MERM Practice Test, and the NCEES Practice Test. I used the same books when taking the test with the addition of Shigley's Mechanical Design book. Though, I don't remember Shigley's being very useful as most, if not all, of the info was in the MERM. Shigley's was probably unnecessary for my particular test, but I have read others talk about tests in the past where Shigley's was crucial. So I don't think I'd recommend leaving it out.
As far as studying with the MERM, I read all of the chapter's pertaining to my field of depth and then did all of the associated practice problems (at least twice through). I did the same for the first few chapters of the fluids section and thermo section. I skipped the HVAC, Heat Transfer, Plant Engineering, Ethics and Economics chapters. In hindsight, I think I should have done at least the first two chapters of HVAC. That was definitely a weak area of mine on the test. I don't think it is necessary to do all of the chapters for Fluids, Thermo, and HVAC as the questions that I saw were pretty simple. For the problems that I saw on the test, you really only need a solid introductory understanding of these subjects to do well.
I thought the NCEES Practice test was similar to the real test. I'd say that the real test was slightly harder but the same level of complexity. Alternatively, the MERM Practice Test was much harder than the real thing. So I definitely recommend both, but judge your prepardness on the NCEES Practice Test. If you do the same on the MERM Practice Test, you will become very depressed as it is pretty hard :mf_Flush:
In total, I'd say I spent an average of 1.5 - 2 hours every night for 4 months studying. I took about a 1 week break in the middle. And of course I skipped a few nights here and there. If I were to do it again, I think I would have started a month earlier to give myself more time to study a few sections that I skipped.