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You asked this in #5 and it was answered in #9.Could we use Casio FX115ES?
You asked this in #5 and it was answered in #9.Could we use Casio FX115ES?
It seems like you are active on the forum again; please shed some light on how the cut scores will be established for the June 2-9th survey exams? Are there going to be different cut scores, or, one? did everyone take the same test? or different tests??You should be able to find answers to your questions in the Candidate Information Bulletin that is posted at:
Right in the middle of the page is a button to download the bulletin in PDF format
I think this is now pretty standard for high stakes exams administered by CBT and they probably have a few more safeguards in place than your professor.........Scary.
Im having flashbacks to my college days when the final exam for a class was held in different sessions for reasons I'll leave out. The exam ended up being given in four different groupings and due to an improvised decision one of the exams was different than the rest. This would have been fine had it not been so different. After much review by surely biased staff members it was still determined that the exams were identical. I dont know how they ever came to that conclusion as the exams were of analysis only except the one different exam was design and analysis. The volume of knowledge required and the time necessary were completely different. To bring this horrid shot from the hip idea to a professional licensing exam is insane.
You're making my point. More chance of human error with paper exams. If, and I agree it's a big if, you get the statistics and algorithms right and everything programmed right, you got a much better chance of consistency using CBT. But I can already tell from your 3 posts that I you've already made up your mind so I won't try to convince you.And not to throw salt in the wound over a very unfortunate circumstance but Id like to point out the issue that brought about this thread to begin with. This high stakes exam with lots of safeguards in place as you put it was able to put the wrong cover on test books. So Im not so sure your argument has much merit.
It was actually the right cover on the wrong test booklet.And not to throw salt in the wound over a very unfortunate circumstance but Id like to point out the issue that brought about this thread to begin with. This high stakes exam with lots of safeguards in place as you put it was able to put the wrong cover on test books. So Im not so sure your argument has much merit.
LF, when the state used to post the passing score, it was always 50%-60% needed to pass. Same with Seismic. How did you feel about this last exam? If you ever need help or have any questions, please feel free to ask. Good luck. You are so close!how certain are you about the 55%??? I swear every time I've taken it I've felt like I had at least 35 problems correct but kept failing last time was 4th)......Im hope you are right. Its the only part for me.
How is that any different from the scenario between any april vs. october test. in the past or in future. Couldn't one argue that april was easier than october? or vice versa.Otherwise it invites too much potential to be unfair to some and not others and if you are really lucky you end up with the harder version every time.
I feel ya. same boat as you. need this misery to be certain are you about the 55%??? I swear every time I've taken it I've felt like I had at least 35 problems correct but kept failing last time was 4th)......Im hope you are right. Its the only part for me.
I think the argument is that if everyone has the same exact exam for a given administration, it's easy to set one cut score for all candidates. If the exams are all different within the same administration, how do you fairly determine the cut score(s)?How is that any different from the scenario between any april vs. october test. in the past or in future. Couldn't one argue that april was easier than october? or vice versa.Otherwise it invites too much potential to be unfair to some and not others and if you are really lucky you end up with the harder version every time.