Yes a Civil Engineer can design a private schools , Only public schools and hosbitals should be designed by a Structural Engineer. I think there is a question similar to this in the 345 questions bookCan Civil Engineer design PRIVATE schools in CA or it has be done by Structrual Engineer as PUBLIC schools? Thanks
fixed it for you. IMHO, all buildings abnd structures should be designed by a qualified structural engineer (which does not necessarily mean a registered structural engineer). I know this is splitting hairs but sometimes the obvious needs to be stated.Yes a Civil Engineer can legally design a private schools , Only public schools and hosbitalsCan Civil Engineer design PRIVATE schools in CA or it has be done by Structrual Engineer as PUBLIC schools? Thanksshould beare required to be designed by a Structural Engineer. I think there is a question similar to this in the 345 questions book
The question is not what would happen in the real world, but what a civil engineer can do. In this case, a civil engineer can legally design a private school (no more than 2 stories) and stamp the drawings without a structural engineer. For liability purposes, it is wise to have a structural engineer check and approve the drawings, but it's not necessary in the eyes of the PE Board.Since the structure will have seismic parts that will need to be stamped I dont see how a civil engineer could do the design. The Civil could work under the structural but will not be able to be responcible for the design. Although there are specific requirements for public schools I believe there are overall requirements that allow a Civil to design some wooden structures (single family homes) and that is about all.
Sorry, I was wrong. A civil engineer can design a building without a structural engineer in charge of the design for buildings that are not a hospital, public school, or greater than 160 feet tall in LA County.Is the 2 story limit a limit for all structures? It was my understanding that in CA if you have a Civil PE you can seal any structure that is not either a school or hospital, regardless of number of stories.