Congrats to all of those that passed. If you didn't pass, keep trying, it opens so many doors and is worth it.
Having taken the exam a few times, I firmly believe the key to passing is practice! practice! practice! and dedicating your life to studying for 3 months. The first two times I took the exam, I wasn't honest with myself in regards to how much I studied. This time I completed majority of the problems found in the 101 Problems for the PE, 101 Solved MERM problems, all three of the 6 minute books for mechanical (HVAC, Thermo/Fluids, Mech Systems), and the 3 NCEES practice exams. I only used the NCEES practice exams for confidence towards the end of my studying, since the other problems are a lot harder and longer than the actual PE exam.
I couldn't have done it without my wife's support and understanding.