CA S.E. Exam Results

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Hi, biged:

Do you want to appeal your SEII?

bidEd: Sorry to hear about your SE II results. Don't give up hope. I "said" I was going to study for the WA SE III on my second try. But like most insane people, I did the same thing and expected different results. I will be prepping for the SE III, but I'm hoping to have get my personal life in order so that I can make room for the studying. It's very tough with 3 little boys in the house.
retrofit: I love your story. Congratulations! I can't imagine how proud you must feel! Make sure to celebrate in a big way because you have arrived at the threshold of SE supremacy! :eek:)
Thanks McENGR, wish you all the best for the next exam!
Hi, biged:Do you want to appeal your SEII?

bidEd: Sorry to hear about your SE II results. Don't give up hope. I "said" I was going to study for the WA SE III on my second try. But like most insane people, I did the same thing and expected different results. I will be prepping for the SE III, but I'm hoping to have get my personal life in order so that I can make room for the studying. It's very tough with 3 little boys in the house.
retrofit: I love your story. Congratulations! I can't imagine how proud you must feel! Make sure to celebrate in a big way because you have arrived at the threshold of SE supremacy! :eek:)
Thanks McENGR, wish you all the best for the next exam!

I believe I have to call the CA Board. I still don't know the results of my SE III exam. I guess once I find out about the SE III, I'll make the decision about the SE II.

On a personal note, I think I need a vacation from all this ....

I didn't get my results on Friday or even Yesterday.

I'm still in limbo.

I didn't get my results on Friday or even Yesterday.
I'm still in limbo.
Thanks kevo_55.

For those of us who took the CA SESE or SE III, please let us know at least when your letters arrived. You don't have to tell us the results, just let us know when you get the letter. This way, we'll know when to start calling the board to ask for ours if we haven't received them yet. Thanks.

I didn't get my results on Friday or even Yesterday.
I'm still in limbo.
Thanks kevo_55.

For those of us who took the CA SESE or SE III, please let us know at least when your letters arrived. You don't have to tell us the results, just let us know when you get the letter. This way, we'll know when to start calling the board to ask for ours if we haven't received them yet. Thanks.
If anyone that sat for the October 2010 California State Structural exam has not received those results yet, please email me at [email protected] so I can resolve.

Thank you

I didn't get my results on Friday or even Yesterday.
I'm still in limbo.
Thanks kevo_55.

For those of us who took the CA SESE or SE III, please let us know at least when your letters arrived. You don't have to tell us the results, just let us know when you get the letter. This way, we'll know when to start calling the board to ask for ours if we haven't received them yet. Thanks.
If anyone that sat for the October 2010 California State Structural exam has not received those results yet, please email me at [email protected] so I can resolve.

Thank you
Received my letter and diagnostic thanks to CAPELS!

As did I. (Thanks Ric!)

I passed the CA: Structural exam!!

There is some kind of goof up on my SE2 exam though. Apparently I failed to show up to take it, but I have actually already taken & passed it outside of CA. I think it will be fixed within the week or so.

I would much rather fix this issue than have to retake another exam any day.

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As did I. (Thanks Ric!)
I passed the CA: Structural exam!!

There is some kind of goof up on my SE2 exam though. Apparently I failed to show up to take it, but I have actually already taken & passed it outside of CA. I think it will be fixed within the week or so.

I would much rather fix this issue than have to retake another exam any day.

Does this mean that you, kevo_55, are a CA S.E.? :bananadoggywow:

As did I. (Thanks Ric!)
I passed the CA: Structural exam!!

There is some kind of goof up on my SE2 exam though. Apparently I failed to show up to take it, but I have actually already taken & passed it outside of CA. I think it will be fixed within the week or so.

I would much rather fix this issue than have to retake another exam any day.
congrats kevo!!!

As did I. (Thanks Ric!)
I passed the CA: Structural exam!!

There is some kind of goof up on my SE2 exam though. Apparently I failed to show up to take it, but I have actually already taken & passed it outside of CA. I think it will be fixed within the week or so.

I would much rather fix this issue than have to retake another exam any day.
Nice job Kevo!!!

Does this mean that you, kevo_55, are a CA S.E.? :bananadoggywow:
As of right now, technically no. In a week, most likely yes. :party-smiley-048:

Thanks everyone! I'm taking a well deserved break from studying!

Conratulations!!! I am going to take it in the coming October, any tips to study for SE III? Or any used material for sale? Thanks.

Does this mean that you, kevo_55, are a CA S.E.? :bananadoggywow:
As of right now, technically no. In a week, most likely yes. :party-smiley-048:

Thanks everyone! I'm taking a well deserved break from studying!

I TOLD U!!! Congrats kevo...or should I say 5608!!!
Thanks everyone!! And McEngr, you are too kind!

Also, the CA Board figured everything out so I'm all set.

Zhoutt8, I'll make a new topic to talk about the October 2011 SE3 exams. I don't have any material to sell because my work bought everything for me. (So, my work owns the material.)

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Glad that everything works fine for you. Hopefully, we all make it soon. One more question, how do you think CBC and IBC? Does that work if we just have IBC? Also, if you don't mind, could you list some material which you think a big help for the study. Thanks.

Thanks everyone!! And McEngr, you are too kind!
Also, the CA Board figured everything out so I'm all set.

Zhoutt8, I'll make a new topic to talk about the October 2011 SE3 exams. I don't have any material to sell because my work bought everything for me. (So, my work owns the material.)
Thanks bcy!

Glad that everything works fine for you. Hopefully, we all make it soon. One more question, how do you think CBC and IBC? Does that work if we just have IBC? Also, if you don't mind, could you list some material which you think a big help for the study. Thanks.
zhoutt8, I would recommend getting the CBC. Using the IBC may be ok for the Civil Seismic exam, but simply won't cut it for the Structural exam. Depending on the building and 3rd party review required, you may need to use a seperate version of chapters like 16A rather than 16. Or 22A rather than 22. The CBC has seperate chapters for certain buildings and the differences between them can vary.

In the next few weeks I'll list what I had used to study for the exam, but there is a list which is everything that I had and more in this thread:
