I strong feeling it will be tomorrow morning, like you said.yes, but later in the day. Last December NCEES came out during the day (I think in the morning) and I got the seismic results at 7pm
<---- CPP electrical class of 2012CPP Electrical and Computer, Class of 2011too
* I have a strong feeling it will be tomorrow morning.
May be tomorrow. Wednesday is definitely a midweek day.Hey guys. I asked the "Licensing Manager" for BPELS and he told me it would be mid this week and an announcement would come out on social media today.
somehow I don't forsee that having a positive outcomei'm going to start spam emailing ed brown if i don't get my results soon
Get over to the Spamfest thread while you can....
All the posters who are in the Top 10 of posting and who took the exam in April 2016 have passed.... hey, the data doesn't lie.
If it makes you feel better, I think it's a GIF of Michael Cera's character being slapped/throat punched by Kat Dennings' character in the movie "Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist." I think. Maybe...?a broken link is how i feel.
That's like saying once the baby is born you forget about how painful the birth was... WRONG....Come on guys keep spirit up and be very positive, we cant lose hope. Remember, once the results come out we will be going crazy and forget all about the wait.
So, please for the sake and love of CALI, let us be patient.
God Bless us all