Best Cell Phone

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I'm eligible for a new phone through verizon. I'm leaning towards an enV Touch or a Versa. Does anyone have any experience with these? I don't need/want a smartphone, and need to stay with verizon (best coverage in the mountains.)

I just punted Verizon to the curb for the iPhone. AT&T's coverage sucks, but the sheer awesomeness of the iPhone more than makes up for it.

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I'm leaning towards an enV Touch or a Versa. Does anyone have any experience with these?
My daughter just got the enV Touch on Saturday. She had decided to get an LG Dare, but while we were waiting in the store she was playing with the display models and decided on the enV Touch. So far, so good, but just a couple of days.

I have a Blackberry with Nextel. Its number one feature is it is free from my employer.

I have an LG.... don't know what version. The hubby and I have always stuck to getting the same phone. He figures out the features, then shows me.

Without a doubt, the best cell phone is the iPhone. Whether ATT has the best service is a different question however...

I have the Palm Treo (POS)

I got the wife an Iphone and IMO that phone rocks, and its $10 cheaper per month than the Blackberry and the Treo for some reason (or at least in my area)

We cancelled our home phones but I do have an extra "Razor" cell phone for "emergencies" its also a POS, but we let the kids use it when they go to a neighbors house since we broke our walkie talkies, but the usuage is very "selective" on their part..

I have an ENV2, and I like it. Slim, but with a full keyboard that's easy to type on, though I hate texting in general. I will NEVER buy another Motorola phone. They CONSTANTLY **** out on me. I had the last one replace 6 times under warranty, 3 times for the battery, 3 times for either the mic or speaker taking a dump. I think the nicer LG's are far more durable than the Motorolas. My parents have nothing but problems with their Samsungs (Verizon freebies).

I have a verizon samsung. I fell off my boat about a month ago and had the thing in my pocket. Needless to say it has limited functionality now. So then i made the mistake of trying to get on one of my company plans. I'll never do that **** again. I was attempting to get a PDA phone but some f&*@wad at corporate headquarters who has no idea what I do or who I am said she didn't think it was "necessary". So then I said screw it, fprget the company plan, I'll just go buy a new phone and expense cell phone minutes for business. Well now they have "taken ownership of my line and it is the property of the company" and "blah, blah, blah". So now I have lost my cell phone number, the phones they will let me get are total pieces of ****, and the existing phone I have barely works. I F$*@ING HATE MY COMPANY.

My wife and I recently switched to the iPhone 3gs phones. It is an amazing device. With all the apps, you can really customize the phone to meet your needs. I can surf the web on it (in fact I'm posting from the phone now), listen to music, download podcasts on the fly, get directions showing aerial maps (I even have google earth) using the Quasi GPS, send/ receive emails from multiple accounts (work, personal, etc...), and a whole host of other things that I don't have time to list.

The funny part is that I really didn't want one, but my wife made me get one to ease her guilt over leaving our verizon plan. Now I couldn't go back.

I have an ENV2, and I like it. Slim, but with a full keyboard that's easy to type on, though I hate texting in general. I will NEVER buy another Motorola phone. They CONSTANTLY **** out on me. I had the last one replace 6 times under warranty, 3 times for the battery, 3 times for either the mic or speaker taking a dump. I think the nicer LG's are far more durable than the Motorolas. My parents have nothing but problems with their Samsungs (Verizon freebies).
guess it just depends on the phone. I've always gotten motorola phones through verizon. All have lasted at least 4 yrs without problems. Never needed new batteries. I only got a new phone because they were all scratched up and wanted something new.

The hubby has gone with other brands and is always disappointed. He has had to replace batteries several times. I think this time he went with the samsung Omina. He loved it at first, but now it has trouble picking up signal in the house. While I get perfect signal standing in the same spot.

Without a doubt, the best cell phone is the iPhone. Whether ATT has the best service is a different question however...
There's no question about it. AT&T does NOT have the best service. I have been dropping calls all over the freakin' place. I have more dropped calls in 2 monts with AT&T than I did with 8 years of Verizon.

Best service = Verizon -- I commute an hour each way through mountains and the coverage kills everything else. (Consumer Reports rates them best in general also--in most/all major cities.)

I have an EnV2 and like it lots. I text quite a bit.

I do lust for an iPhone, but ultimately, I have it to be a phone -- and ATT/Cingular coverage is a distance second choice.

My work cell is a workhorse basic problems, but photo downloading software is finicky.


Insider Tip:

My bro works for Cingular and says that all carriers let you upgrade your phone in 20 months with a 24 month agreement.

I have a Blackberry Curve, use it for work and personal. Love not having to fire up my laptop just to check my emails. And plus now contractors can't sneak emails by me at 6:05 pm.

Overall I like it but sometimes the trackball doesn't work as I want it too.

I couldn't imagine going back to a phone without a QWERTY keypad.

Verizon cell coverage is the the ****, but their mobile browsing service is just o.k.

Nokia 6161


This was my second cell phone, bought it in 1999. By far, the best phone I've ever had, and until my recent Razr and iPhone, the only one I was ever satisfied with.

It seems that I may be in the minority here as I prefer GSM phones/providers. It gives me the flexibility to just switch the SIM card when I am on a trip to home (India). I have been with T-Mobile since the time I have owned a cell phone in the US and back in the days due to some promotion I had $2.99 data plan (300 free text messages + Internet access) which now costs $19.99. I just get a new phone every so often and sign a new contract. If I change my plan then I will lose the $2.99 promotion. I have been satisfied with their service so it is working for me.

I have never used the handsets that I get from T-Mobile. I have purchased my own and I am a Sony Ericsson addict. I just upgraded from P990i to Xperia X1i. Both the phones are great. Xperia is the first Windows Mobile based phone from SE and I had my apprehensions. There are so many apps available for the WM OS that the phone can be customized and it is great. Google Maps, Navigation (I have installed TomTom app), WiFi access (love it at home and at the airports), etc. A lot of features packed in a small device.

I would like to see how Iphone compares as I am accustomed to using the physical QWERTY keyboard. Plus, not having the liberty to add 3rd party apps and sticking with ATT sucks too.

I'm also due for an upgrade which will be a very welcome change since my ringer doesn't work anymore, although it does make it a lot easier to ignore calls and have an excuse. I am with Verizon which is nice because the coverage is good and most of my friends and family are also Verizon so most of my calls don't cost anything. My big debate right now is whether I should get a good phone now or get a cheap replacement on eBay and then get the good phone through Verizon in a few more months. From what I've read the Palm Pre is supposed to be coming to Verizon in a few more months. I've also heard that Apple is tired of losing people because of AT&T's crappy service and are going to be letting a Verizon iPhone loose in the future as well.

I've also heard that Apple is tired of losing people because of AT&T's crappy service and are going to be letting a Verizon iPhone loose in the future as well.
This is true. Apple is developing an iPhone to work on a 4G network which is Verizon and Apple has not (and it doesn't look like they will) renewed their exclusivity agreement with AT&T.

Do any Verizon people know if I can get a smartphone without having to sign up for the "Smartphone Plan"? I just want to use it as a phone but also sync it to my computer so I can start keeping my schedule up to date now that I am travelling a lot more for work. I may see about getting a Samsung Saga (this is one does wifi so I could use it to go online without paying for a more expensive plan as long as there's wifi available) online somewhere and just using the *228 to program it to my number but I don't want my next bill to show up with a note saying my account has been switched because I now have a smartphone.
