Babies on Airplanes

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I like that suggestion too. I am already worried about all this because this December is our Christmas where we fly to NY and I am due in September so that means I may have a baby on the plane and I don't want to make the whole plane mad!

Well, I can say that they would go over better than snakes on a plane. :p

I like that suggestion too. I am already worried about all this because this December is our Christmas where we fly to NY
Where are you going in NY? I grew up there.
My parents and their family are from Long Island. My parents live here in FL now but all their family is still on LI so we go up there fairly often.
I was born on Long Island, Valley Stream specifically.

i do like the suggestion to buy baby their own seat.
If you can afford it, sure.
thats why it is a suggestion. :)

If we had to take minisnick on a plane, we have already decided we would buy a bunch of ear plugs for those sitting around us...just in case he started acting up. But we really don't want to do air travel until he is out of diapers, hence our vacation this yr is driving to Tennessee and renting a cabin.

^ No kids to worry about here, but we're doing a driving vacation as well. Simply cannot afford to fly somewhere exotic and see the sights every year, especially now that I'm taking classes at night.

We're renting a car to limit the wear on ours and doing a roadtrip around the Canadian Maritimes. We'll camp most nights, and get a motel room when we want something comfortable to sleep on and a shower. I'm particularly excited about this one campground on an island in the Bay of Fundy. It's right on the edge of a cliff overlooking the water. They warn you that you may be woken during the night by whale song.

Anyway, I'm done hijacking the thread now.

I like that suggestion too. I am already worried about all this because this December is our Christmas where we fly to NY and I am due in September so that means I may have a baby on the plane and I don't want to make the whole plane mad!
How long would the flight be?

If yours is like ours was on his first flight he/she will probably do pretty well. Make sure they've got a bottle or pacifier handy to make sure their ears are good and they're fed. Must be the hum of the engine because ours conked right out and slept through the whole flight...from Cincy to Myrtle Beach. They're actually worse once they get a little bit older and need to be entertained.

In general, I have no problems with babies crying on a plane, assuming the parent is doing everything they can to avoid having the crying baby. This means bringing provisions for feeding prior to and during the flight and in the case of young toddlers, something to keep them occupied.

For older children/toddlers (who are capable of communication other than crying), I have no patience for their misbehavior, whether it is crying, tantrums, kicking the seat in front of them (I always seem to get the seat in front of a misbehaving child). The parents need to be responsible by bringing sufficient toys/snacks to keep their kids happy and disciplining them when they act up.

Many years ago, my husband and I flew to Hawaii - we took a laptop with us and a bunch of DVDs so we could watch movies on the plane. Across the aisle from us, there were two kids (I'm guessing ages 3 and 5) who were having major meltdowns because their parents failed to bring any toys or stuff to keep them entertained (on a 6 hr flight!!! WTF!!). One of the movies we had was Monsters Inc which we started watching - halfway through the movie, I looked over and the kids were staring at the movie on our laptop, completely silent for the first time during the flight and remained that way for the duration of the movie.

In the end, I would much rather be sitting next to a screaming baby (my headphones sort of work like earplugs) than to be sitting next to someone with horrible BO. We have our fair share of hippies in Portland who don't believe in bathing or deordorant, so I am more afraid of getting stuck next to that than a baby.

I like that suggestion too. I am already worried about all this because this December is our Christmas where we fly to NY and I am due in September so that means I may have a baby on the plane and I don't want to make the whole plane mad!
How long would the flight be?

If yours is like ours was on his first flight he/she will probably do pretty well. Make sure they've got a bottle or pacifier handy to make sure their ears are good and they're fed. Must be the hum of the engine because ours conked right out and slept through the whole flight...from Cincy to Myrtle Beach. They're actually worse once they get a little bit older and need to be entertained.
That's good to know! It's alittle less than 3 hours so hopefully since they sleep so much at that age it won't be bad!
