At the firm where I worked right out of college, chatting and wasting other people's time was frowned on. Severely. So anybody doing too much 'visiting' and not enough work was subject to reprimand. That tends to make one nervous, if a 'chatty Cathy' stops you and begins to tell you all about his collection of stuffed fleas or whatever. You worried about the boss catching you 'visiting'. So there's that.
One thing that I *really* hate is to be trying to have a serious discussion and then some bozo trying to make suggestive or lewd comments. We all went to Junior High, buster. Put a sock in it.

ther than that, 'creepy old guy' is purely subjective. Some people like the extra attention, and some don't.
On a more serious note, I had a construction job one time and the old man owner happened to come by the construction trailer where I was working on some quantities or something. He reached around from behind me and squeezed my ****. I was totally shocked! Needless to say, after that I always arranged for someone else to be there with me when he was coming by. The job had a 'government inspector' who was obliging enough to eat lunch there with me when the old man was going to be around. I remember one time the old man getting visibly angry to find the inspector there. Heh.
Corollary to that is the issue of attire - since I came into the professional world at a time when women engineers were few and far between, I've always been careful with my attire and attitude. Too much cleavage or chumminess and folks tend to peg you as 'less than professional'. I think that's changed somewhat, and I think it's good that people are lightening up a bit. I still think some attire is improper for business wear but not because of some moral hangup of mine, but simply because it's distracting and not conducive to getting work done. I like for people to take work seriously enough to give a good effort, not be clowning around or ogling each others' naughty bits.
I hope that doesn't make me appear draconian. I can joke and flirt around with the best, I just don't like to waste too much time doing it. A little goes a long way.