army court job

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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2008
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Hi guys:

What do you guys think about the position from army court? Do you need to have a prefect record? like 3.0GPA? or you have enough experience can get in? What kind of resume are they looking for?


Maybe he means "Army Corps" as in "Corps of Engineers".
Court = Corps?

In any event, I have found that most GPA requirements can be overcome in an interview (but you are going to have to be able to pronounce the name of the company/institution correctly during the interview). The only exceptions I know of are the national labs (Sandia, Livermore, etc.). They really only want the smartest mf'ers around, and personality doesn't really matter.

sorry, about my mistake. I hope you are right about the interview part. I'm afraid I cant even get a interview of it.

It all depends.. If you're experience shows you're qualified and they like your personality then you should get in...

On the other hand, if you have little experience or experience in an unrelated field, barely passed college, and/or can't present your case well, it would be advisable to try everywhere in the hopes you get some nibbles.


Please take this as constructive criticism, but I hope your resume and other correspondence with prospective employers don't have as many typos and grammatical errors as your posts on this board. That could be a problem.


Please take this as constructive criticism, but I hope your resume and other correspondence with prospective employers don't have as many typos and grammatical errors as your posts on this board. That could be a problem.


I would take under advice. And, I am aware of my situation. Thank you so much for all your input. And, for this reason I was wondering anyone here like 'intech' willing to take a look of my resume, so I can have some fee back as what have I done wrong?


I looked at your resume and it looks pretty good, but I have a few suggestions for improvement:

People usually call the first section either "Summary" or "Objective," but there is nothing wrong with calling it "Areas of Expertise." However, the items you list are too generic, in my opinion. In this section, you should list your technical areas of expertise, such as wastewater treatment design, drainage, etc. or replace this section with an Objective. If you put an Objective, you should change it depending on the job you're looking for. Example: "Structural Engineer with 15 years experience seeking a position as a project manager or structural department head in the refining, petrochemical, or oil & gas industry. Presently living in California; would like to relocate to New Orleans."

"Education" should be the section after Summary or Objective. Also, you should change the title to just "Education" instead of "Education and Professional Development." You don't list any professional development, so don't have it in the title.

Instead of "Career Path," the next section should be called "Employment History." This section is fairly well done. Here are a couple of minor suggestions: I would add 6 point between each of the four projects you list, just to make it easier to read. Also, employers like to see months and years on your employment engagements, not just years. In addition, on the first employment listed, you say 2007-2009. From this, one can't tell if you presently employed. If you are, it should read (month) 2007- Present. If you're not, it should read (month) 2007 - (month) 2009. But then you need to change the project descriptions because right now each one says "ongoing."

On the next engagement, I would delete the word "expert." Just a pet peeve of mine, but I don't think anybody with less than 20 years of experience is an expert in anything.

Instead of "Certifications," I would entitle the next section "Professional." It sounds more, well, professional.

In the "Computer Skills" section, there is a typo/issue with parentheses.

We have some resume writing tips on our website for anybody interested:

^those are some good tips

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army court? like JAG?
That show sucked ass. When I would spin before work last winter on the trainer at home, and the remote was broken, so that was the closest to being watchable at 6:30 AM. Sometimes they'd mix it up and play Walker Texas Ranger instead and that was even worse.

I couldn't wait for spring!

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That show sucked ass. When I would spin before work last winter on the trainer at home, and the remote was broken, so that was the closest to being watchable at 6:30 AM. Sometimes they'd mix it up and play Walker Texas Ranger instesd and that was even worse.
I couldn't wait for spring!
Thank you, I would take a look at it to see what can I do.


I looked at your resume and it looks pretty good, but I have a few suggestions for improvement:

People usually call the first section either "Summary" or "Objective," but there is nothing wrong with calling it "Areas of Expertise." However, the items you list are too generic, in my opinion. In this section, you should list your technical areas of expertise, such as wastewater treatment design, drainage, etc. or replace this section with an Objective. If you put an Objective, you should change it depending on the job you're looking for. Example: "Structural Engineer with 15 years experience seeking a position as a project manager or structural department head in the refining, petrochemical, or oil & gas industry. Presently living in California; would like to relocate to New Orleans."

"Education" should be the section after Summary or Objective. Also, you should change the title to just "Education" instead of "Education and Professional Development." You don't list any professional development, so don't have it in the title.

Instead of "Career Path," the next section should be called "Employment History." This section is fairly well done. Here are a couple of minor suggestions: I would add 6 point between each of the four projects you list, just to make it easier to read. Also, employers like to see months and years on your employment engagements, not just years. In addition, on the first employment listed, you say 2007-2009. From this, one can't tell if you presently employed. If you are, it should read (month) 2007- Present. If you're not, it should read (month) 2007 - (month) 2009. But then you need to change the project descriptions because right now each one says "ongoing."

On the next engagement, I would delete the word "expert." Just a pet peeve of mine, but I don't think anybody with less than 20 years of experience is an expert in anything.

Instead of "Certifications," I would entitle the next section "Professional." It sounds more, well, professional.

In the "Computer Skills" section, there is a typo/issue with parentheses.

We have some resume writing tips on our website for anybody interested:
Hi intech:

If I add 6 point between each of the four projects, it may make my resume too long. Do you think two pages length too much for people to read?


Two pages is not a problem.
Hi intech:

Thanks for you feed back. I would make the format as your suggested this afternoon and upload tonight. I probably would keep 90% wording, and keep the profile instead of objective. Let me know what you think from here. Hey, it got to start somewhere right.



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