April 2019 SE Results Thread

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I took the Lateral - Bridges in Milwaukee, and results were posted a few hours ago.  Failed Again!  23/40 in AM and all 3 Acceptables in PM.  Damn building concrete killed me 0/5.  I was above average in 6 of the 10 categories somehow.

Can someone provide any advice as to how a bridge engineer is supposed to pass the AM when its like 80% buildings?  You would think for over $500 a pop and 6 months between and over 2 months of wait time for results that NCEES would develop 2 separate exams; 1 focusing on building (like it is currently) and 1 focusing on bridges.  Or they could keep the current format grade on different scales for bridge and building candidates.....it seems to me that bridges pass rates are ALWAYS much lower than buildings.  Shouldn't that be a flag?  Especially when a "high" pass rate is in low 30%. 

Also, why they hell does the afternoon not average with morning...its almost like 2 separate exams...its bull ****.
This is pretty much the reason why I decided to take a review course. As a practicing bridge engineer, there's so much that you're unfamiliar with in the IBC/ASCE/Seismic AISC, it is too much of a time suck to try to learn that all of that material with no direction. If you can have an instructor point at sections and say "pay attention to this, this is important", that's worth the money in my opinion. 

In your case, I think you're so close to passing, it would not be worth your money to take a review course just to get a few more morning questions correct. Buckle down on your concrete studying and you'll crush it next time.

Big congrats man! I passed Vertical this time.🤩 We won't be seeing each other in Oct. But I am happy for you!
Great job! What a hard test. Glad we both got good news. Now you can focus on Lateral only.. I'm sure you'll get it when you take it!

I called LAPELS and they stated that they have received the results.
Any indication as to when they would release them?!  Also, Baton Rouge or New Orleans.  We're already 2/4 (vert) or 2/3 (lat) represented in this thread!

First try. Failed both....😰

Vertical AM: 23/40

Vertical PM: A, A, A, IR

Lateral AM: 20/40

Lateral PM: A , A, IR, U

I will be breaking it up now and taking just the lateral next October. This sucks. I was really hoping I would pass the vertical! Dammit...

Any indication as to when they would release them?!  Also, Baton Rouge or New Orleans.  We're already 2/4 (vert) or 2/3 (lat) represented in this thread!
She said that NCEES controlled that.  BR both days.

She said that NCEES controlled that.  BR both days.
Nice, looks like the whole crew is here.  I sat beside you for vert and in front for lateral.  Good luck man, hopefully not much longer to wait for results!

Just called CTS of Illinois. They said that they are not going to release the results until early next week. That is really bad news. I can not accept what she said. Can more people from ILLINOIS CALL HER and request to release the results. 

I call this number:

Continental Testing Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 100 LaGrange,
Illinois 60525

Contact: 800 359 1313
Fax: 708 354 9922
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@LetsSE  Illinois always takes longer than other Board's.  They are also one of the few Boards that still use the middle-man like CTS.  I used to attempt this exam in that dump of test center in Hillside, this time I tried (and failed) to take it in Milwaukee, which is a wayyyyy nicer test center.  I will be heading back up there in October :(

Appeared in New York state, Rochester area for vertical exam and I PASSED this time, I failed Vertical in my first attempt ..... thanks a lot guys..... now NEXT IS LATERAL .... and BEST OF LUCK TO THE PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T RECEIVED THE RESULTS YET

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KY released...  for those waiting for IL to release... i'm with you...

I took the test in IL the first go around, but b/c I did not receive the results for a full three days after everyone else I took it the second time in KY. Great place and VERY reasonable proctors. You also get more desk space! Less noise! There were only 3 of us there for the vertical test (Oct 2018 - passed) and only 8 or 10 of us for the lateral (April 2019 - passed).

I took both days my first attempt and barely failed both (which is the typical result for so many of us). I have two young sons (2 & 4) and it was extremely difficult and stressful to balance work, home, self, and exam prep. So I broke it up the next time and with a supportive work environment, awesomely helpful co-workers, and a wonderful husband I was able to conquer the material enough to get it done!

I'm so happy to be finished with this exam. It is certainly a challenge. I am thankful that our profession has this high standard, BUT I also think NCEES needs to acknowledge the high degree of difficulty of this test. Studying for this exam felt equivalent to gaining a second masters. It took just as many hours as my first masters. I do not think I now merely have a "Minimum level of competency in structural engineering." (THAT feels like a slap in the face. Especially, in reference to the time that I failed this exam. When I failed, this test did NOT prove that I did not have a "minimum level of competency in structural engineering.") I think at the very least it should state that we now have "mastered the unique nuances of all facets of structural engineering." 

Best of luck to you who keep trudging forward. Especially those who are doing it while raising a family. Kudos to YOU!

Just called CTS of Illinois. They said that they are not going to release the results until early next week. That is really bad news. 
Go figure. This was the case last cycle too.... Results on a Thursday/Friday and IL results on Monday/Tuesday. 

I'm waiting for results from there too! Hang in there everyone still awaiting results! 

Nice, looks like the whole crew is here.  I sat beside you for vert and in front for lateral.  Good luck man, hopefully not much longer to wait for results!
Louisiana is out...Failed Vertical for the 3rd time and Lateral for the first time.  This is brutal

Vertical: 24/40, IR, A, U, A

Lateral: 27/40, IR, U, A, U

I passed Vertical on my second try!!! I’m really glad this is over! I’m sorry to hear those who didn’t pass but don’t give up! I’m here to provide any advice (if it’s useful to you) let me know!

and congrats to those who passed this round :)


Failed buildings lateral 2nd try,


Needs Improvement, Acceptable, Unacceptable, Acceptable.

If I had just done better on the general analysis PM question #803 looks like I would have passed!

This is killing me!! Going through this again will be torture!


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