April 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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I'd love to work four 10's. I seem to work more like five 9's.


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we have flex options - 4 10s, (what i do - with fridays off, but sometimes i do a little from home to keep projects moving), 9 9s etc etc. people can choose their day off too. we have one of us who takes wednesdays off, and another who does mondays

also we're set up to be able to remote in from home, so we work from home if we need to, and nobody seems to abuse that! which is awesome

ALSO HIVE MIND OF SPAM THREAD: Kickboxing or crossfit?  Like, I know crossfit would get me in shape way faster, but some of the exercises...don't look like they're proper form/I don't want to hurt myself by going super fast, which seems like their deal?  As for kickboxing, I really liked it, but I want to find a gym that isn't filled with super-fit middle aged moms (which is some type of plague on LI).

ALSO HIVE MIND OF SPAM THREAD: Kickboxing or crossfit?  Like, I know crossfit would get me in shape way faster, but some of the exercises...don't look like they're proper form/I don't want to hurt myself by going super fast, which seems like their deal?  As for kickboxing, I really liked it, but I want to find a gym that isn't filled with super-fit middle aged moms (which is some type of plague on LI).
Almost everyone I know who does crossfit gets injured multiple times a year. I don't recommend it. Never started it since I have bad shoulders, so bad form looks like disaster for me.

ALSO HIVE MIND OF SPAM THREAD: Kickboxing or crossfit?  Like, I know crossfit would get me in shape way faster, but some of the exercises...don't look like they're proper form/I don't want to hurt myself by going super fast, which seems like their deal?  As for kickboxing, I really liked it, but I want to find a gym that isn't filled with super-fit middle aged moms (which is some type of plague on LI).
I am kickboxing all the way.  Like, kickboxing has changed my life.  My location does 3x kickboxing, 3x strength training each week.  I started in January, and went to almost every class, and followed a pretty strict food plan, watching macros, etc.  After 10 weeks, I had lost over 20 lbs, and lost almost 8% of my body fat.  I don't feel like I am going to die anymore-not because it is hard, but because I am in better shape, and I don't think I am going to have a heart attack.  I mean, I have a long way to go, and my results have tapered off as I am not as diligent with the food.  But I'm going to stick with my kickboxing.  :)

I'm hearing a lot of anectdotal evidence that cross-fit causes damage in the long run. I'm not an expert so don't rely soley on my advice here. My workout regime is pretty oldschool - machine based cardio, combined with body weight, dumb-bell/bar-bell, and machine based resistance training.

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