April 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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What about candied spam? Brown sugar on spam?

(A quick google search reveals that recipes for this exist...)

Doing an 8 week challenge.  Eating right is no fun. SPAM.
We do a "biggest loser" challenge at work open to all departments. It's pretty fun. $10 buy in and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place shares the pot. And in Engineering, we do our own unsanctioned loser challenge as well. The group is pretty health conscious overall, so I feel like it's a pretty good influence. Except on Fridays. We all usually go out for lunch and have yummy ethnic fare to undo all the work! :rotflmao:

Have you ever made almond tofu? I grew up eating it, but too lazy to make it.
Nope!  I'm sensitive to soy, so I've always tried to stay away from tofu in general.  I never knew almond tofu was a thing?  My family grew up on a very 'upstate NY' diet- aka; steak, some type of vegetable, and a potato.  Now I want look up this recipe...except JK can't cook.  She can only bake!

Nope!  I'm sensitive to soy, so I've always tried to stay away from tofu in general.  I never knew almond tofu was a thing?  My family grew up on a very 'upstate NY' diet- aka; steak, some type of vegetable, and a potato.  Now I want look up this recipe...except JK can't cook.  She can only bake!
It's not soy! It's almond! It's only called "tofu" because of its look/texture. But it's a great light dessert. A good plan B is black sesame dumplings. So flippin' good.

Yeah, In only know how to bake.  For some reason, the ratio of wet:dry and the additional/reduction of extracts and flavors works really easy for me if it is something that needs to be baked.  But ask me to cook chicken and I have to google like 18 recipes to make sure I am doing it correctly.  Mama JK is able to look in the fridge, find things that don't look appetizing, and generate a meal for 10+ people.  I am really jealous.

Ok real talk: I loaned one fermenter to a buddy, so now I have to choose only one recipe. Should I do 5 gal. of a bourbon barrel stout that needs to condition for months? Or, a quick and dirty hefeweizen I can drink in a few weeks for the typical Sacramento summer?

Mama JK is able to look in the fridge, find things that don't look appetizing, and generate a meal for 10+ people.
MamaJK is my spirit animal. Those are my favorite kinds of gatherings when there's a random confluence of a bunch of people who want to hang out, are in a good mood, and then arrive hungry. Love it.

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