April 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Too many cracklins have been eaten!

Ooooh! TOP!

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I recently took over as PM for a project that was a total sinking ship when it came into my possession.  So we're already overbudget and I can't charge any more time to the project if I ~want my PM metrics to look good~ even though it was already about overbudget when I received. YAYYY CONSULTING WORKING FOR FREEEEEEEEEE

^^That's my life!  That's my life since I started here!  I've been taking over dying projects, that aren't on track, and bringing them back!  And then my OM was kinda scolding me for having an 82% yearly UT WHEN I HAD RECENTLY GONE ON A 1.5 WEEK NON-BILL VACATION
Ughhh utilization.  I hate that pressure.  I love my job 95% of the time, but sometimes I just want to leave consulting and sell my ****** crafts on Etsy.

Ughhh utilization.  I hate that pressure.  I love my job 95% of the time, but sometimes I just want to leave consulting and sell my ****** crafts on Etsy.
Tru dat.  Consulting kinda kills me.  Not going to lie, if I didn't have so many college loans requiring me to stay in consulting for the money, I would def go back into banking and become a teller.  Or try to work at a farm.  Cattle farm.  Be a ranch hand.  Or make dinner for the boys.

bout to pick some spam up on the way home. 

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The breeze has been shot.

I repeat, the breeze has been shot.

That is all.

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