April 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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One of the things I like about my job is not having to fill out my timesheet based on project codes - unless I'm working an emergency.

RG-9 and done. It's all prepopulated too.
That sounds like pure joy.  Not going to lie, I am thinking of applying for some government jobs...but I don't think my enviro work/consulting work really makes me a good candidate since I don't have that much 'design' work under my belt.  Mostly project management, interpreting data, and report writing.

Oh one last thing, can you please translate this for me, I don't know Czech very well " Hodně štěstí "

Edit - In case you think I'm joking, I literally means "good luck".  Usually sung as a variation of the 'happy birthday' song, only it's good luck and health.

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Not going to lie, I am thinking of applying for some government jobs...but I don't think my enviro work/consulting work really makes me a good candidate since I don't have that much 'design' work under my belt.  Mostly project management, interpreting data, and report writing.
I'm not sure what you think government work is? But most govt engineers I've worked with a basically managers of some kind or another (project, program, engineering, oversight). Most of the "actual work" (i.e. working level engineering stuff) is done by contractors. Basically lots of what you said you have experience in.

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