April 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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Yes, but it fit so well it had to be thrown out there again.
-1 rec for reusing puns.  Bad puns should be spontaneous, new, and always changing.  Unless you're my dad.  Then you use the same ones over and over again, never varying, steady like a rock in your "Hi, tired, I'm dad." response, even when you're at a super fancy dinner with people who have never met you before.

-1 rec for reusing puns.  Bad puns should be spontaneous, new, and always changing.  Unless you're my dad.  Then you use the same ones over and over again, never varying, steady like a rock in your "Hi, tired, I'm dad." response, even when you're at a super fancy dinner with people who have never met you before.
The operative word being “dad” here, which I am. Therefore I am allowed the specific liberties you are negating my rep for.

Well, only $.58, don't get the $.005. I lose $1.53.  WTF.

The operative word being “dad” here, which I am. Therefore I am allowed the specific liberties you are negating my rep for.
BUT.  You're not my dad!!!  Dads are only allowed to reuse puns with their children or with other dads.  No cross-dad punning!  -10 rec points!  FOUL!

Well, only $.58, don't get the $.005. I lose $1.53.  WTF.
This one time I turned in an international travel voucher to a new supervisor. Two week trip, so the hotel bill was large and the exchange rate fluctuated enough that similar items on different days had a different cost in USD. I used the value was given when I called the cc company.  I gave a reasonably close exchange rate for the cash items based on rate when cash was exchanged per bill.

The wack-job (and I mean that literally) couldn't wrap [redacted] brain around that exchange rates changed all the time. When [redacted] finally got around to reviewing it a week later the exchange rate was different again, and using whatever google said, [redacted] came up with a total that deviated by US$0.17. This was on an voucher totaling ~$5,000. Refused to sign it until I provided the written cc statement showing the values in USD. That bill wouldn't arrive for another week. [redcated] was f#$%^ing nuts. It wasn't a powerplay either; had/has real mental issues - one of which was an inability to process the flow of time and causality.

You should remind him of the fact that kids think everything is funny at first. You know, to give him hope when all he gets are eye-rolls and wants to give up.
Hah, he's been with me for 7 years and hasn't been discouraged by my less than enthusiastic reactions to puns LOL

This one time I turned in an international travel voucher to a new supervisor. Two week trip, so the hotel bill was large and the exchange rate fluctuated enough that similar items on different days had a different cost in USD. I used the value was given when I called the cc company.  I gave a reasonably close exchange rate for the cash items based on rate when cash was exchanged per bill.

The wack-job (and I mean that literally) couldn't wrap [redacted] brain around that exchange rates changed all the time. When [redacted] finally got around to reviewing it a week later the exchange rate was different again, and using whatever google said, [redacted] came up with a total that deviated by US$0.17. This was on an voucher totaling ~$5,000. Refused to sign it until I provided the written cc statement showing the values in USD. That bill wouldn't arrive for another week. [redcated] was f#$%^ing nuts. It wasn't a powerplay either; had/has real mental issues - one of which was an inability to process the flow of time and causality.
Wow.  My biggest problem has been when they thing I am reimbursing things I plan to sell back to the company.  Example, I run the office "fun" committee, so we built a couple of sets of bags boards, and when we expensed the lumber and paint, accounting would not approve, despite local office management approval, because they could not verify we didn't plan to sell the completed boards back to the company.  Really?  I guess we should have just bought the stuff and sold the completed boards back to the company with our labor rate included.

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