Too busy researching the lineage/breeding stock of Big Jake, the world's biggest horse. You know he was sticked at a little over 20-hands? Amazing!@JayKay0914 lets discuss knickers theories again.....
Twice. On my wrist. It hurt. Like a lot.Ok, question; how many times has everyone been stung at one time? I got stung 10 times in one sitting once.
Twice. Back of my neck while gardening. My buddy had to pull them out. Then he got stung twice and I had to pull those out of him. What are friends for...Twice. On my wrist. It hurt. Like a lot.
It's a conspiracy...they don't want this report getting out...I'm on to themIt’s the freaking Russians, man...
If everyone is double posting. It's like no one is double posting!The amount of double posting on this thread
is too darn high
Word!If everyone is double posting. It's like no one is double posting!
@matt267 PE would NEVER do something like that. He abides by all rules at all times.Pretty sure @matt267 PE changed the rules when he said, and I quote, “who needs rules, anyway?” A couple pages ago...
Except that the specific post i’m Referring to was followed by a consecutive post.@matt267 PE would NEVER do something like that. He abides by all rules at all times.