April 2018 SE Exam Results

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Not being able to control myself, asked Keshia again about the results.
But you know what she said....blah blah blah 10-12 weeks.
They are causing my employer a great loss as I am not working and just refreshing my email and spending all time at this forum 😃
I swear if I get asked one more to me if I’ve gotten my results....I’m going to insist on working from home until they’re posted. 😂🤣

if results are not posted this week i believe this will be the longest it has taken them to post them since at least Fall 2014.

I've been lurking on this board and decided to sign up. The previous years release dates for the April SE exam are as follows (all in June with yyyy-dd format):








So from this data and knowing that 2011 was the first administration of this exam, we can extrapolate that the 2011 April exam was the first cut score/anchor exam. With that being said, one would think that NCEES would already have the process and analysis in place so future cut score exams would be graded faster. I am hoping they have this wrapped up for us by the end of the week but with history as our guide, the 29th is within the realm of possibility.. It's hard for me to believe that grading takes this long as I'm already licensed in other areas and the large majority of my licenses were granted the SAME day. Not to mention testing for this license is only offered twice per year. I just had to get that off my chest, the stress monster is eating me over this ridiculous exam. (2nd time taking lateral BTW)

I've been lurking on this board and decided to sign up. The previous years release dates for the April SE exam are as follows (all in June with yyyy-dd format):








So from this data and knowing that 2011 was the first administration of this exam, we can extrapolate that the 2011 April exam was the first cut score/anchor exam. With that being said, one would think that NCEES would already have the process and analysis in place so future cut score exams would be graded faster. I am hoping they have this wrapped up for us by the end of the week but with history as our guide, the 29th is within the realm of possibility.. It's hard for me to believe that grading takes this long as I'm already licensed in other areas and the large majority of my licenses were granted the SAME day. Not to mention testing for this license is only offered twice per year. I just had to get that off my chest, the stress monster is eating me over this ridiculous exam. (2nd time taking lateral BTW)
Wow. I agree with that logic, but extrapolating should put us closer to mid next week 6/20 - not the 29th. Brutal timeline regardless. This week is sounding less and less realistic for results, but I'm hopeful. 2011 was the year NCEES changed test formatting I believe so that could have a lot to do with the lag time. Who knows...

2011: June 16–18 Structural Exam Cut Score Meeting | June 29 SE Exam Results Release Date

2018: June 8–9 Structural Exam Cut Score Meeting | ????? SE Exam Results Release Date

Wow. I agree with that logic, but extrapolating should put us closer to mid next week 6/20 - not the 29th. Brutal timeline regardless. This week is sounding less and less realistic for results, but I'm hopeful. 2011 was the year NCEES changed test formatting I believe so that could have a lot to do with the lag time. Who knows...

2011: June 16–18 Structural Exam Cut Score Meeting | June 29 SE Exam Results Release Date

2018: June 8–9 Structural Exam Cut Score Meeting | ????? SE Exam Results Release Date
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that new codes were used on this exam cycle. Maybe not.

I think we should all just bombard Keshia with questions about the release date until she knuckles under and tells us.

I know it's tough waiting this out folks, but the results will come soon! I'm sticking with my prediction from a few weeks ago with the over/under date being this Friday. 

Hang in there! 

I am totally with you guys. It is brutal waiting. Just think that this wait is for a good reason and continue to pray and pray and pray until you see you have an acceptable results. 

DON't lose Faith, stay strong.

Yea its crazy. It just like 300-400 people taking the test throughout the country, you charge $500 per candidate and tell me can't grade it in 9 weeks? 
Looks like they only  hired one person to grade.
Meanwhile, I strongly believe results will be out before the new registration date 06/18, which keeps us at 06/15.

Ashlei made me sad.
Yup, Ashlei/Keshia are baaaad, they just make you saaad.


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