April 2018 15K SPAM thread

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The big ones flying around the freeway are fast.  I always wanted to catch one in mid air, but the car usually hit them

Our metro system kind of sucks.  one bus or car stalls in the lane and everyone is stuck for hours

my office hours are flexible so i usually get on the metro around 9:15 / 9:30 and leave around 6, which is not peak metro time, thank god. 

I've gone from an 80 minute round trip commute driving, to 25 minute round trip driving, to 80 minute round trip biking.

I have a 15 min. commute and sometimes am able to go home for lunch and walk the doggie... like today... I'm sure she liked that  ;)

Nice i kind of wanted to bike today but i havent bought a bike lock yet

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