White Claw Pusher
Also my grandmother called me yesterday and this basically happened:
Her: honey, have you gotten your resul-
Her: honey, have you gotten your resul-

Pretty much any dude is also mentally 12.Morning! I’m traveling home today for my little sisters graduation on Friday. She is still mentally 12 so it’s confusing that she’s graduating college...
I got a foster kitten yesterday. Only one kitten. He is a bonus.I missed something here. Where are the kittens???
Awesome! Good luck! Foster doggo had an accident yesterday because I couldn't stop by at lunch. Oops.I got a foster kitten yesterday. Only one kitten. He is a bonus.
The rules are currently suspended.Weird. Guess they're lax with the rules now. Used to be you couldn't have consecutive replies like that.
Ugh. She just started seeing someone and he’s going to be at the graduation. He better have a copy of his transcript, resume, and full medical records handy because I will be grilling him.Pretty much any dude is also mentally 12.
I saw that on the Today show this morning... I definitely hear Yanny... no way it's Laurel...HOW???? I feel like everyone is just pretending to hear Yanny
Well, really, I hear something more like "Yannely" or "Yannley".HOW???? I feel like everyone is just pretending to hear Yanny
I def heard yanny.HOW???? I feel like everyone is just pretending to hear Yanny
You're going to break the internet with that photo. Well done.Kitten bump.
Gosh, I apparently can't remember anyone's name!JR Smith was the pusher, Horford the pushee.
And yes, absolutely Flagrant II.