Anyone received exam notifications for CA Seismic and/or Surveying for April 2017?

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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2017
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I applied at the beginning of October and gave fingerprints while visiting in Irvine. Heard back nothing until last week when I got an email saying that my application was received and was referred for technical review. I was expecting the exam approval but this email let me down. Is this usual practice? What happens during this so-called technical review? I replied back for details but nothing happened.

Can anyone shed any light on this? When do they usually send approval notices? Anyone referred for technical review and got approved afterwards?


I'm on the same boat as you. I also got an emil from board last week regarding to my application was received and currently in review. From what I heard, if your check was cashed out, you will be notified about a month before test date to sign up for exam. Don't worry you are not alone. 

My check was cashed long time ago. Do they really notify you just 1 month before the exam? That looks too close and stressful. I hope everything will go well for all of us and we will be allowed to take the exams...

Do they really notify you just 1 month before the exam?
You will be notified to register for the exam about 1 month in advance of the actual test taking period. You should hear back from the Board before that, as you need board approval to get into the system to be able to take the seismic and surveying exams.

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Yes I've finally been approved for the April 2017 exams, but it took quite a while! I submitted my application on the last week of October 2016, and I noticed the check was cashed in November. It wasn't until early January when I received an official notice by e-mail that my application was received. I received a postcard yesterday stating that the technical review of my application was complete, and they were sending it to the licensing unit for further processing. Then I was at work today and I received an e-mail stating I was "technically" approved for the state exams and they would send information on how to apply for the state exams. So just hang in there, it took about 3 months for my exam to process, and I only badgered them once :).

yes, I got my approval as well. Still waiting for Authorization to take the test.

Now, time to really focus on studying...

For the Surveying and Seismic exams, you should get the notification about 6 weeks before the testing window.

Good luck.
Make sure to check your spam folders on the regular, too. Google put mine in my spam folder when I got the initial notification to register for the exams.

Make sure to check your spam folders on the regular, too. Google put mine in my spam folder when I got the initial notification to register for the exams.
So far, all board emails went to my inbox, hopefully that will continue. I will also check the spam folder from time to time.

Yes you will be notified by email 4 to 6 weeks prior to the national exam date to register via prometric. They will provide an ID and u can schedule dates for the seismic/survey roughly 2 weeks prior and 1 week after the scheduled national exam (April 21). I like scheduling the latest possible. More study time and less wait for results since everyone gets them at the same time regardless when u took the test.

Just to clarify what Eg24 said...the notification from BPELSG to schedule for state exams is NOT linked to the NCEES schedule whatsoever.  Approved applicants will receive an email about 4-5 weeks before the exam date with information to schedule with Prometric

I'd like to get some opinions on "out of state applicants" for the California civil PE registration.  I applied in October  2016, and paid for both the Surveying and Seismic exams, and wish to take the April 2017 exams.  However, I have not heard back on approval or instructions to register as of today February 23, 2017.  I checked my house mail, email spam box, and junk box.  Any reason to worry that I won't get approved to take the April 2017 exams for seismic and also surveying?

The only item which I did not provide to the board are my fingerprints, which I will provide "after the exams" when I visit California.

Any advice would be appreciated.

@SF94133, if I were you, I probably would be a little worried and would contact the Board, if you have not done so already. I have had success via phone (and then via email) in the past. You can look up the phone number of your reviewer the BPELSG website, I believe.

@CAPLS may be able to provide some additional advice.


Thanks for the advice.  I just booked a flight to LA to get my fingerprints tomorrow AM.  Will get it done at a shop near the airport.  I re-read the procedure on the board website again, and the prints need to be available for the application to be fully processed.  This explains why I have not heard back.


I got the e-mail notification earlier today to schedule the Seismic Exam.  Only seismic though, not the Surveying Exam yet.  I am confused about that, since I am registered for both the Seismic and Surveying exams.


The same thing happened to me. I got a notice to register for Seismic yesterday afternoon. I have not received Survey yet even though I am registered for both. 


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