Animal Cruelty!

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There is also an old truss bridge down about 110 feet, they couldnt get it removed before it started filling up.

my grandfather took a bunch of pictures as the lake was filling up, they are all slides, but pretty neat to look at, if I had more free time I would get them scanned and print some of them.

There is also an old truss bridge down about 110 feet, they couldnt get it removed before it started filling up.
my grandfather took a bunch of pictures as the lake was filling up, they are all slides, but pretty neat to look at, if I had more free time I would get them scanned and print some of them.
Maybe we will get to see this bridge again shortly. ;)

The COE aint what they used to be, they just need to have the minimum formula for discharge:

Volume of water in = Volume of water out

currently its:

3*(Volume of water in) = Volume of water out

Even an idiot politician & environmentalist should agree on that!

up here we are starting a black market campaign to get everyone in atlanta to go by once a week and take 50 gallons out of the river below the dam.

Oh yeah, now that the topic got bumped, that reminds me...

I was down by the Hooch a week ago at the GA 400 crossing and it was up to the banks, full flow. Then again two nights later, same thing. Seems the Corps wanted to boost some of the reserves downstream and so they let loose.

And I don't now if I mentioned elsewhere but I was up in N.Ga. at the Georgia Power controlled lakes earlier in the month and they were full. Well, two inches low. Damn Corps. When I invent the static generator and make a billion dollars, I'm going to buy a place up there.

I would have mine pulling the boat. J/K

I would have the kids in the tube 400 yards out in the lake throwing marks for my dog.

Or I would send her across the lake for a blind retrieve. (me giving her hand signals on where to go)

She has hunt test (duck hunting) titles in HRC and AKC. :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting:

after watching this **** these past few weeks, I really want to see the lake bone dry, then watch the people down stream demand we pump water from the atlantic, de-salinate it, and then contine to send it down stream for their precious fishing industry and mussles.

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its a good thing if you live in Cobb County they planned ahead and built their own reservoir (with Bartow & Cherokee involvement) of course it wont be full for another few years, but you cant rely on the state / Federal Government for much these days...

its a good thing if you live in Cobb County they planned ahead and built their own reservoir (with Bartow & Cherokee involvement) of course it wont be full for another few years, but you cant rely on the state / Federal Government for much these days...
I thought Alabama had an issue with that reservoir too. Since it prevents water from getting to Allatoona, and thus prevents it from eventually getting to Alabama. I'm not sure what water Georgia is entitled to use anymore. We aren't allowed to drink I guess. Or maybe we should import our water back up from Alabama and Florida. We should institute a policy where all tourists are required to bring a bottle of water with them when they enter the state.

The lawsuit further takes aim at the Hickory Log Creek Reservoir built and run by Cobb’s water authority and the city of Canton. The reservoir is fed by the creek and the Etowah with water that otherwise would flow into Lake Allatoona and on to Alabama.
See, north Georgia isn't allowed access to any water. Even if we build our own reservoirs. I'm not sure where we are supposed to get water since we don't seem to be entitled to anything that falls within our borders, that water belongs to Alabama and Florida it seems.

This is the biggest bunch of ********.

As a former Atlantan I'm obviously partial to Georgia's position. So why don't they just tear down the dams and let the Chattahoochee and Etowa rivers flow like they did before the dams were there. Following the "logic" of these lawsuits, then Georgia can take every drop of the water before it gets to the state line. I wonder how Florida and Alabama like that.

This is the biggest bunch of ********.
As a former Atlantan I'm obviously partial to Georgia's position. So why don't they just tear down the dams and let the Chattahoochee and Etowa rivers flow like they did before the dams were there. Following the "logic" of these lawsuits, then Georgia can take every drop of the water before it gets to the state line. I wonder how Florida and Alabama like that.
I would be a little more sympathetic if there were programs for water reclamation in place. Given that isn't the case, I think everyone deserves a hand slap.

Just sayin' ....


I think we need to look further into the Juges ruling that "drinking water wasnt orignally mentioned as a permitted use of Lake Lanier"

I wonder if it says Parks can operate in the lake? Did they get approval to charge parking fees?

Who says you are allowed to fish on the lake? Why shouldnt the people in Alabama be allowed to catch their fish from the Chattahochie River? Who says you can even swim in the lake? God forbid boating, skiing, etc, etc?

I didnt read the entire decision, but I would think the local governments that take water out just need to build a new pump out station either upstream or downstream.
