A redneck road trip west....

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hey RG! it's the first real cold of the winter, how are you holding up? It was 4 degrees when I just got home.

I expect that you'll be out running in shorts with the neighbors tommorow morning?

Seat Warmers were a great invention!

Aside from my 45 minute commute taking. 2 hours it wasn't bad.. Even walked the 3/4 mile at lunch to pearl street for lunch (no hat and gloves). Hands totally frozen..

But today was the first day I have walked the streets of Boulder and didn't get hit up for spare change.. Guess it was even too cold for the freeloaders...

Less than half my office showed up to work so I guess today was a CF for more people than me! Some type of telecommuting bullshit;)

Got some type of asphalt class in downtown Denver tomorrow at 0800, that should be a pain in the ass in the morning :(

Ill be shaking hands an kissing babies trying to meet peeps....

I have to say, I envy your recreation options. As a backwoods hillbilly, I was introduced to skiing late in life, but absolutely love it. I don't get the chance to do any real skiing very often, but watching those videos really gives me the itch to drive to CO.


This photo was taken by your favorite engineer boards.com member cement. We really love the weekends here and we try to maximize all of our time then because truthfully Monday through Friday is really starting to suck ass in this town

Hopefully a better job in the future will make some of that go away

Nothing other than a verbal agreement (gentleman a agreement for a year). But I think there is enough bad info I am not gonna feel bad if I brake it...

Thought I would post some updates for those that dont follow my attention whore posts on FB:

Wife and I tacked Quandary Peak over the weekend...

Its called a "14'er" Mountain over 14,000 feet in elevation....

We originally chose this one cause its listed in the "easier" group and we had planned to stay in Breckenridge Saturday night, but that changed due to my kids coming back earlier than planned on Sunday.

We probably should have chose a less rocky 14'er (as you will see in the pictures)

The guide book says the elevation gain from the trailhead to the peak is 3500 and 6.5 miles round trip. That works good if you spend the night at the parking lot, but apparantly this is a popular activity. we got there at 6:30 AM and hard to park an extra mile+ away and even sadder, around 500 feet below in elevation that the trailhead due to all the cars..

This is taken around 13,000 feet (guess) looking back down the mountain, this section is the only flat section of the hike, where I took the picture I am on the "trail" so you can see all the F'n rocks ;) ALso if you see the "S" curve in the road down to the right, thats about where our car was...

We did see some Billy Goats / Mountain Goats / etc

This is at the summitt as we walked down... you can see why our dog had on them booties..

This is at the other end of the simmitt. you can see its fairly crowded...

This is just below the summit but at 14,001 feet. The woman with the american flag, you can see to the left she has two Id say 1st grade age kids who made it to 14,000 feet (whats your excuse?) We almost quit when we were here we were so F'n tired, then we saw these little guys and said F it lets go..

Again this is at around 12,000 feet or so (where the flat part ends looking up) You can see how crowded it is, this stretch there really only one way up, lots of rocks for 2000 feet... we took lots of breaks....

& I have been meaning to do more of this and ask you guys / gals to do the same on your outdoor outings.. take a little VTE with you...

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& here is one with the dog and her lexus shoes ;) she tried to find any patch of snow she could, of course she also had some energy left as you can see the stick in her mouth.... this was on the way down... I didnt have any energy left.. and I was glad she had snow to eat cause I had run out of water for her by then!

^-- last time I saw Goatse none of you believed me!

However I had to take a leak on the trail on the way down (way off to the side), and then we were followed all the way into tree line by one of the goats, apparantly your not supposed to urinate near the goats it drives them nuts (we later learned a guy on Mt. Olympia almost got killed by one by pissing in the "goats" spot.. (serioulsy BING it) but it was a little unervy this goat tracked us about 100 feet behind is the last 1500 feet down. I threw rocks at it and it just seemed to get more interested in us.. we would think it had turned around and then we would see its head sticking out of the bushes... next time Im gonna bring either my .357 or some bear spray..

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