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Oh, crap! Gotta delete all my posts!

On a seperate note, does one's post count reduce if you delete a post? If I delete all my posts, would I be an uber-n00b again?

Friday morning :plusone:

Oh, crap! Gotta delete all my posts!

On a seperate note, does one's post count reduce if you delete a post? If I delete all my posts, would I be an uber-n00b again?
The post count only goes one way. Deleting posts doesn't reduce the number.

My youngest son didn't want to sleep last night... 1 hour of sleep + getting over a cold = one miserable friday!

No worries of too much fun here. I'm dealing with nuclear paperwork. I like designing this stuff, it's documenting that's not so much fun.

Posting from bad - good evening EB world!!!!

edit - i meant bed

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Have a good relationship with your ex?
Finally. It only took about 15 years. :p

He's my kids' daddy, so that has something to do with it. I don't keep up with my second husband, haven't talked to him in years.
hummm....How many are there? lol

No worries of too much fun here. I'm dealing with nuclear paperwork. I like designing this stuff, it's documenting that's not so much fun.

Nuclear!.....that kinda makes the driveway I'm doing today look like a booger!

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