Negative.You didn't see Clockwork Orange?How does sex rehab really work?
Your droogs not into the ultraviolence?I didn't care for it, actually.
Is the hubby getting you granny panties?35 days 'til I turn 50 !!hmy:
I think if your hands were free you'd be able to cover your eyes, thus defeating the point.What would you do with untied hands while looking at naked pictures of Margaret Thatcher? I'd gouge my eyes out.How does sex rehab really work? Do they tie you hands behind your back and make you look at naked pictures of Margaret Thatcher?Tiger is now in sex rehab!
I saw one of those people had sex with like 3,000 women or something. 1 girl a day for 10 years. I would assume your penis would fall off after something like that.From what I can tell from viewing Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew on VH1, it involves a lot of crying.How does sex rehab really work? Do they tie you hands behind your back and make you look at naked pictures of Margaret Thatcher?Tiger is now in sex rehab!
Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew sounds like a porn..
...or a great start to a new In My Pants game! TV shows...go!
Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew in my pants
Today at least. 6 for 7.damnit, you're good with the TOPs
Today at least. 6 for 7.damnit, you're good with the TOPs
Tiger Woods has given up on Jack Nicklaus's records. Now he's going after Wilt Chamberlain's.